Following manim's guide on how to install plugins on this guide, but TL;DR is:
pip install manim-sequence-diagram
manim cfg write
this will generate a manim.cfg
file somewhere, you'll need to add to it this package
enable_wireframe = False
dry_run = False
tex_template =
plugins = manim_sequence_diagram
You'll know if you have it working if you run
manim plugins -l
and it shows something like
Manim Community v0.16.0.post0
• manim_sequence_diagram
manim -pql docs/ ClientRaceDatabaseNetwork
Although one day, we'd like to support proper sequence diagram syntax, for now, it's all in python.
Here's a quick example of how it works
from manim import *
from manim_sequence_diagram import *
class ClientRaceDatabaseNetwork(MovingCameraScene):
def construct(self):
actor_client = SeqActor(name="client")
actor_delivery = SeqActor(name="delivery")
actor_server = SeqActor(name="server")
actor_db = SeqActor(name="database")
for anime in SeqAction.introduce_actors(actor_client, actor_server, actor_delivery, actor_db):
# Move the camera yourself! * 3))
for anime in SeqAction.subject_gives_gift_to_target(
gift=SeqObject(name="async getData"),
You'll need poetry to properly get this to work, checkout their guide here for how to install. Once you do, do the following to setup
make install
make dev
In order to generate examples, you'll need to setup your manim cfg