This is a Vagrant plugin that adds a XenServer provider, allowing Vagrant to control and provision machines on a XenServer host.
- Vagrant >= 1.5(?) (
- qemu-img
vagrant plugin install vagrant-xenserver
N.B. Currently this will only work on XenServer 6.5 and later:
# Install netcat
yum install --enablerepo=base,extras --disablerepo=citrix -y nc
You will also need to copy your ssh key to the Xenserver host:
ssh-copy-id root@xenserver
Make sure the default_SR is set, and that a VHD-based SR is in use. Currently the NFS SR is the recommended storage type.
- Download the box file (e.g.
- Unpack it:
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
tar xvf ../
- Convert the disk image using qemu-img
qemu-img convert *.vmdk -O vpc box.vhd
- Remove the other files
rm -f Vagrantfile box.ovf metadata.json
- Make a new metadata file
echo "{\"provider\": \"xenserver\"}" > metadata.json
- Create the box:
tar cf ../ .
- Add the box:
vagrant box add ubuntu
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "ubuntu"
config.vm.provider :xenserver do |xs|
xs.xs_host = ""
xs.xs_username = "root"
xs.xs_password = "xenroot"
xs.pv = true
xs.memory = 2048
end "public_network", bridge: "xenbr0"
Note that by default there will be no connection to the external network, so most configurations will require a 'public_network' defined as in the above Vagrantfile. To bring the VM up, it should then be as simple as
vagrant up --provider=xenserver