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# [1.1.0]( (2023-11-08)

### Bug Fixes

* able to render html as a link within the search bar ([1b17160](1b17160))
* add `charset=utf-8` to the samenwerkende-catalogi req header ([3669d36](3669d36))
* add i18n missing keys to draft en publish (dutch) ([8125607](8125607))
* add new env variables for the frontend to fix the image issue ([a3e1325](a3e1325))
* add spacing tokens value to spotlight component ([f8ae8e6](f8ae8e6))
* add title to visualisations ([cc5b42f](cc5b42f))
* build error for experimental feature ([6d53cc7](6d53cc7))
* **deps:** upgrade strapi-plugin-config-sync to v1.2.2 ([91f4940](91f4940))
* disable plugin page in starpi ckeditor5 ([a80fced](a80fced))
* disable plugin page in starpi preview button ([3d3d433](3d3d433))
* enable `aside` property from the frontend ([0878499](0878499))
* enable `encoding` ([366bcc8](366bcc8))
* enable to have the hostname without "/" ([6ab0414](6ab0414))
* extract hostname & protocol from the strapi image-url ([d7298de](d7298de))
* field naming ([f051392](f051392))
* fix the button size and add background color ([dbdee10](dbdee10))
* fix the hover style and the icon ([e2099c7](e2099c7))
* fix the if statement in samenwerkende package ([b4aad01](b4aad01))
* fix the language switcher style ([a4846be](a4846be))
* fix the products navigation query issue ([2cfc672](2cfc672))
* hardcoded <select> instead of Strapi DS <Combobox> ([14d8e0e](14d8e0e))
* improve metadata field type on strapi ([53ea0f9](53ea0f9))
* improve the strapi `displayName` property ([7f0f961](7f0f961))
* make `audience` a required field ([e3ab98c](e3ab98c))
* make `displayName` prettier for the section components ([49ccd77](49ccd77))
* make the spotlight `content` field required ([fd4d278](fd4d278))
* **pdc-dashboard:** fix favicon ([5b8f0db](5b8f0db))
* **pdc-dashboard:** remove `contentRole` from pdc-dashboard ([635c15c](635c15c))
* **pdc-dashboard:** rename vng-extra-attribute to metadata ([5e0bca9](5e0bca9))
* **pdc-dashboard:** set the text & href attributes of button-link to required ([1f4c229](1f4c229))
* **pdc-dashboard:** set the text & href attributes of logo-button to required ([d3d6378](d3d6378))
* **pdc-frontend:** add `utrecht-link--html-a` to `LanguageSwitcher` ([8c8663c](8c8663c))
* **pdc-frontend:** adjust the seo title config ([ad5b9c2](ad5b9c2))
* **pdc-frontend:** correct the eherkenning background-color ([5b1d6fd](5b1d6fd))
* **pdc-frontend:** fix `ButtonLink` icon issue ([ffe783f](ffe783f))
* **pdc-frontend:** fix language-switcher color on dark-mode ([c2cc014](c2cc014))
* **pdc-frontend:** fix preview mode 404 & improve preview component ([44e42bf](44e42bf))
* **pdc-frontend:** fix some metadata text ([621a193](621a193))
* **pdc-frontend:** fix the `generateMetadata` issue ([5ab6837](5ab6837))
* **pdc-frontend:** fix the `useOptimistic` issue ([0f9aea1](0f9aea1))
* **pdc-frontend:** fix the build issue ([5c103cb](5c103cb))
* **pdc-frontend:** fix the build issue on product page ([08d6740](08d6740))
* **pdc-frontend:** fix the markdown typescript issue ([8dbc36a](8dbc36a))
* **pdc-frontend:** fix the spacing for the accordion item ([be529d9](be529d9))
* **pdc-frontend:** fix the typescript issue on the error page ([2553812](2553812))
* **pdc-frontend:** improve the main interface component ([23a98a5](23a98a5))
* **pdc-frontend:** integrate ButtonGroup tokens ([5dffaba](5dffaba))
* **pdc-frontend:** remove `contentRole` from pdc-frontend ([e0f773a](e0f773a))
* **pdc-frontend:** remove nav spacing ([30c6298](30c6298))
* **pdc-frontend:** resolve gap issue in the `Article` Component on large screens ([8c8891c](8c8891c))
* **pdc-frontend:** use article individually ([343ddf9](343ddf9))
* remove `excerpt` property ([6583c2f](6583c2f))
* remove the odd background color from products ([0680c0f](0680c0f))
* replace replace keywords with keymatch ([0d61cd7](0d61cd7))
* replace the heading element with `aria-label` on logo-button ([940a223](940a223))
* **samenwerkende-catalogi:** rename `description` to `abstract` ([a8448c7](a8448c7))
* set price field label to required to prevent `null` issue ([d5fb9aa](d5fb9aa))
* set up package to public ([a5b06b3](a5b06b3))
* **strapi-tiptap-editor:** enable i18n settings ([c59c51a](c59c51a))
* **strapi-tiptap-editor:** fix the i18n issue ([a4f9d99](a4f9d99))
* **strapi-tiptap-editor:** fix the ordered-list style ([23c0f22](23c0f22))
* **strapi-tiptap-editor:** fix types issue ([c388569](c388569))
* **strapi-tiptap-editor:** remove color extension en adjust highlight ([877ab5a](877ab5a))
* **strapi-tiptap-editor:** resolve table Menubar option issue ([0f9633a](0f9633a))
* **strapi-tiptap-editor:** return image source only ([70d719f](70d719f))
* **strapi-tiptap-editor:** use `classnames` ([968189c](968189c))
* support typescript ([c2b9506](c2b9506))
* the docker network issue ([bf98b4e](bf98b4e))
* the font-family issue ([0f0b0ea](0f0b0ea))
* the products skeleton jumping issue ([768fefc](768fefc))
* **ui:** add figcaption style ([356f6d5](356f6d5))
* **ui:** correct icon css class in the `AdvancedLink` ([8d38931](8d38931))
* **ui:** fix magenta button ([07e1ae2](07e1ae2))
* **ui:** rename the drawer css class to `utrecht-drawer-custom` ([3a45fb5](3a45fb5))
* **ui:** wrap `LogoButton` with `ButtonGroup` ([9d12d74](9d12d74))
* update the ont en acc scripts ([6118725](6118725))
* use community accordion component ([6d1b245](6d1b245))
* use strapi backend env variable ([895628d](895628d))
* **vth-frontend:** fix the image issue ([146e264](146e264))
* **vth-frontend:** import order themaslug/page ([b5c96c3](b5c96c3))
* **vth:** card style with link underline ([f25fb9e](f25fb9e))
* **vth:** hide language switcher ([8aa0757](8aa0757))
* **vth:** integrate navigation with new layout ([ca8f055](ca8f055))
* **vth:** logo focus ([3215184](3215184))
* **vth:** navigation ([#219](#219)) ([8cf3550](8cf3550))
* **vth:** page titles for themas and content ([758ff33](758ff33))
* **vth:** remove english support from i18n ([32f3ef2](32f3ef2))
* **vth:** remove red line from banner image ([c8bda04](c8bda04))
* **vth:** show accordion content in print ([9e9a01f](9e9a01f))
* **vth:** sidenav styles ([26eab67](26eab67))
* **vth:** skip link to content ([bbefc24](bbefc24))
* **vth:** slugify plugin ([29a78ab](29a78ab))
* **vth:** style corrections and bugs ([796244b](796244b))
* **vth:** thema data type ([f7f9b64](f7f9b64))
* **vth:** thema relations ([#208](#208)) ([46d9962](46d9962))
* **vth:** undefined errors ([4d38c95](4d38c95))

### Features

* add an extra option to the logo-button type `without-logo` ([89026f7](89026f7))
* add config-sync plugin ([437818f](437818f))
* add description property to samenwerkendecatalogi ([225cf48](225cf48))
* add frontend_url as parameter to the function ([80eef0f](80eef0f))
* add homepage single-type ([15de8e3](15de8e3))
* add magenta option to logo-button component on strapi ([915845a](915845a))
* add magenta variant to button link component ([708d78b](708d78b))
* add optional uniforme-product-naam field ([e30ba54](e30ba54))
* add spotlight plugin ([d61ed86](d61ed86))
* add thema-content collection ([ef27802](ef27802))
* add thema,sub-thema collections ([a82c646](a82c646))
* add vega visualisation strapi component ([ed1bb5e](ed1bb5e))
* add VegaVisualisation component ([85ee00b](85ee00b))
* add visualisation demo page ([22cefc0](22cefc0))
* add vng data model ([c2b9b5f](c2b9b5f))
* create footer component ([7e8fe74](7e8fe74))
* create provider upload vercel plugin ([e4bb551](e4bb551))
* create tiptap language extension ([2076ad1](2076ad1))
* create uniform-product-name package ([0dca5d9](0dca5d9))
* create upl package ([f4c49e7](f4c49e7))
* **deps:** update @utrecht/* packages ([768213e](768213e))
* disabled unavailable product navigation button ([b77fc9f](b77fc9f))
* draw temp links to themas on homepage ([267d4c7](267d4c7))
* enable bubble-menu when double click on a link ([2271540](2271540))
* enable description under each product item ([69953c9](69953c9))
* enable fetching `uniform-product-name` ([c51b162](c51b162))
* enable spotlight plugin ([e3ce3a8](e3ce3a8))
* enable to get the samenwerkendecatalogi description ([b91273c](b91273c))
* enable to use `description` property from samenwerkende ([4cc1181](4cc1181))
* exclude the creator-fields from the product response ([5e1338e](5e1338e))
* fetch the metadata from the seo object instead of excerpt ([55525c7](55525c7))
* **gemeente-select-plugin:** add configurable defaults value option ([b5d19cb](b5d19cb))
* improve the multi-columns-button ([43e0329](43e0329))
* improve the multi-columns-button-component ([dd57c6f](dd57c6f))
* init public role permissions in bootstrap ([fc41765](fc41765))
* integrate uniform-product-name field into strapi dashboard ([b7fa920](b7fa920))
* make preview-button configurable from strapi dashboard ([924faa7](924faa7))
* make whole card clickable ([8275095](8275095))
* **pdc-dashboard:** add note plugin ([e324e88](e324e88))
* **pdc-dashboard:** add open graph image field to metadata ([b2f957f](b2f957f))
* **pdc-dashboard:** add page content as default field ([f28ab39](f28ab39))
* **pdc-dashboard:** add strapi-content-type-explorer ([4072fe7](4072fe7))
* **pdc-dashboard:** add translation to single type & collection ([46e4348](46e4348))
* **pdc-dashboard:** convert the button-link icon property to enumeration instead of boolean ([beb44ce](beb44ce))
* **pdc-dashboard:** create category and subcategory ([093340b](093340b))
* **pdc-dashboard:** enable `LogoButton` inside spotlight ([768d846](768d846))
* **pdc-dashboard:** improve link data model & add it to the sections ([4f1c2cb](4f1c2cb))
* **pdc-dashboard:** improve the spotlight filed description ([86df82c](86df82c))
* **pdc-dashboard:** install strapi-config-sync plugin ([a9184f2](a9184f2))
* **pdc-dashboard:** remove `headingLevel` from `MultiColumnsLogoButton` ([d5839f6](d5839f6))
* **pdc-dashboard:** rename spotlight type `default` to `gray` ([ff196cf](ff196cf))
* **pdc-dashboard:** set default value of resourceIdentifier and scheme ([a980f59](a980f59))
* **pdc-dashboard:** update metadata ([44c5741](44c5741))
* **pdc-frontend:** add `id` prop to `SearchBar` ([c0788fb](c0788fb))
* **pdc-frontend:** add favicon ([8d42f61](8d42f61))
* **pdc-frontend:** add surface component ([8d95de1](8d95de1))
* **pdc-frontend:** apply the spotlight changes on strapi to the frontend ([c619e61](c619e61))
* **pdc-frontend:** check if the spotlight `type=gray` ([87cf2e1](87cf2e1))
* **pdc-frontend:** create and integrate breadcrumb ([4a835c7](4a835c7))
* **pdc-frontend:** create bottom-bar component ([7d6774e](7d6774e))
* **pdc-frontend:** create pageTitle component ([d92d958](d92d958))
* **pdc-frontend:** create Reaction-link component ([e60a010](e60a010))
* **pdc-frontend:** create scrolltotop button component ([fbe7798](fbe7798))
* **pdc-frontend:** enable to display free | gratis when the price 0 ([c759262](c759262))
* **pdc-frontend:** improve seo by adding openGraph ([8c24751](8c24751))
* **pdc-frontend:** improve the header styles on mobile screen ([b2897f0](b2897f0))
* **pdc-frontend:** improve the image component & enable figcaption ([943b9c3](943b9c3))
* **pdc-frontend:** integrate `LogoButton` & `MultiColumnsLogoButton` ([1f79daf](1f79daf))
* **pdc-frontend:** integrate image component into pdc-frontend ([84f8b16](84f8b16))
* **pdc-frontend:** integrate index-char-nav components into pdc-frontend ([e56f434](e56f434))
* **pdc-frontend:** integrate link data model into frontend ([3a44d15](3a44d15))
* **pdc-frontend:** integrate logoButton into spotlight ([0d3c100](0d3c100))
* **pdc-frontend:** integrate markdown into pdc-frontend ([1151c47](1151c47))
* **pdc-frontend:** integrate new components into pages ([ef6e551](ef6e551))
* **pdc-frontend:** integrate new footer into pdc-frontend ([d54bab0](d54bab0))
* **pdc-frontend:** integrate open graph image into frontend ([5da013b](5da013b))
* **pdc-frontend:** integrate skip-link component ([7828e29](7828e29))
* **pdc-frontend:** integrate the new logo button spacing tokens ([f28230b](f28230b))
* **pdc-frontend:** integrate the new version of breadcrumb ([11244fa](11244fa))
* **pdc-frontend:** integrate the page content field ([8995edd](8995edd))
* **pdc-frontend:** integrate ui package ([d2b7b14](d2b7b14))
* **pdc-frontend:** move the main component to a separate file ([f0afb4d](f0afb4d))
* **pdc-frontend:** replace `AdvancedLink` with `ReactionLink` ([cfe0a22](cfe0a22))
* **pdc-frontend:** use grid component to improve `Toptask` layout ([49a6e49](49a6e49))
* **pdc-frontend:** use grid to improve the header ([b46a70f](b46a70f))
* **pdc-frontend:** use the new icon property approach ([f89d3fa](f89d3fa))
* **pdc:** update the dashboard favicon & logo ([f3ea4b3](f3ea4b3))
* rename generate xml file ([4dee86c](4dee86c))
* render visualisation spec from graphql query ([d9c098c](d9c098c))
* replace ckeditor with tiptap editor ([8da48eb](8da48eb))
* **scheme-select-plugin:** add configurable defaults value option ([1c4dc67](1c4dc67))
* **strapi-plugin-ckeditor5:** enable `with`, `height` in media-lib ([dfb28c8](dfb28c8))
* **strapi-tiptap-editor:** enable `figcaption` as property ([4402c42](4402c42))
* **tiptap-editor:** enable to display free | gratis when the price 0 ([6e46f8b](6e46f8b))
* **tiptap-editor:** improve the strapi-tiptap ([ecba121](ecba121))
* **ui:** add markdown & price-widget components ([54ead50](54ead50))
* **ui:** add spacing to the logo button ([a93db9c](a93db9c))
* **ui:** create `AdvancedLink` component ([c90e20e](c90e20e))
* **ui:** create `LogoButton` & `MultiColumnsLogoButton` components ([6f1adc0](6f1adc0))
* **ui:** create grid component ([d3648f9](d3648f9))
* **ui:** create new shared ui package ([07e63e0](07e63e0))
* **ui:** enable ordered-list component on markdown ([8565cf9](8565cf9))
* **ui:** move footer to ui pkg ([ff4de32](ff4de32))
* **ui:** move image component to ui package ([5984d53](5984d53))
* **ui:** support sub-nav links in nav ([9adbb13](9adbb13))
* **vth-dashboard:** create navigation data-model ([7eaf339](7eaf339))
* **vth-frontend:** integrate navigation component ([021676e](021676e))
* **vth:** add banner image ([0c3cf76](0c3cf76))
* **vth:** add breadcrumb to content page ([b3672af](b3672af))
* **vth:** add breadcrumb to theme and child-theme pages ([2d18892](2d18892))
* **vth:** add card images to thema and content pages ([ffb6e9e](ffb6e9e))
* **vth:** add demo card ([4d05b5d](4d05b5d))
* **vth:** add dynamic content to theme page ([077ce1c](077ce1c))
* **vth:** add grid ([8a52585](8a52585))
* **vth:** add image url support ([ef9a1fc](ef9a1fc))
* **vth:** add last updated ([2c1bae1](2c1bae1))
* **vth:** add page layout components ([f3ce621](f3ce621))
* **vth:** add parent relation to thema and thema-content ([b775191](b775191))
* **vth:** add preview images to cards on homepage ([e8fcb39](e8fcb39))
* **vth:** add print page ([b85acef](b85acef))
* **vth:** add rich text to homepage ([abf5c14](abf5c14))
* **vth:** add side-nav ([772d5fc](772d5fc))
* **vth:** add slug to themas and navigation on home ([6665b75](6665b75))
* **vth:** add vth frontend ([b55972d](b55972d))
* **vth:** add vth-dashboard app ([#152](#152)) ([869e8bd](869e8bd))
* **vth:** only show main themes in navigation ([42550bd](42550bd))
* **vth:** render themas with card ([81252b2](81252b2))
* **vth:** show homepage cms data ([3f46f62](3f46f62))
* **vth:** support images in rich text ([4bc1a5e](4bc1a5e))
* **vth:** use flexwrap fallback for breadcrumb navigation ([5cd42aa](5cd42aa))


* **ui:** rename `hint` to `color`
* **pdc-dashboard:** rename `aside` property to `contentRole`

Change the field type from boolean to enumeration because of the switch components
is not clear when you toggle
* deprecated `excerpt`
  • Loading branch information
semantic-release-bot committed Nov 8, 2023
1 parent 7883ce6 commit c727577
Showing 1 changed file with 7 additions and 0 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions packages/strapi-plugin-scheme-select/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
# @frameless/strapi-plugin-scheme-select [1.1.0]( (2023-11-08)

### Features

* **scheme-select-plugin:** add configurable defaults value option ([1c4dc67](

# @frameless/strapi-plugin-scheme-select 1.0.0 (2022-11-22)

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