ConvertTo-Cbz is a Windows Powershell script for converting comic book rar files (cbr) files to comic book zip (cbz) files.
Download the .ps1 file from the respository. Import it as a module to add the function to your session.
Import-Module C:\path\to\module\ConvertTo-Cbz.ps1
# Convert a folder and subfolder of comics. This is a mandatory parameter.
ConvertTo-Cbz -Directory "D:\Comics"
# Convert a folder and subfolder of comics, whilst specifying a particular UnRAR.exe
ConvertTo-Cbz -Directory "D:\Comics" -UnRARLocation "D:\apps\unrar.exe"
# Convert a folder of comics, also delete the original cbr file.
ConvertTo-Cbz -Directory "D:\Comics" -DeleteOriginals:$true
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