Simply type in your detector dimensions in the first block of code with variables, it would be like this:
\newcommand\Name{Test/0001} % Name
\newcommand\Crystal{INTRI~5422} % Crystal number
\newcommand\HEAD{1.59} % HEAD conc x 10^10
\newcommand\TAIL{1.60} % TAIL conc x 10^10
\newcommand\Dia{59.0} % Detector diameter in mm
\newcommand\Hei{53.8} % Detector hight in mm
\newcommand\Gdt{5.0} % Groove depth
\newcommand\Bult{3.0} % widow bulletization
\newcommand\Cdiam{7.7} % Contact diam
\newcommand\Cdepth{37.7} % Contact depth
\newcommand\GrvEx{27.0} % Groove ext. diameter
\newcommand\GrvIn{17.0} % Groove int. diameter
\setboolean{passivated}{true} % passivation?[true|false]
\setboolean{thin_window}{false} % thin window?[true|false]
After editing just compile the PDF file. That's all! :) The resulting document should look something like this:
Install ImageMagick
Install GhostScript
After compiling a PDF file with LaTeX, simply type this command in your terminal window:
convert -background white -alpha remove -alpha off input.pdf output.png
Where is
is input file name andoutput.png
is output file name.
By default the picture size is 1200px in width, but you can change it if you want at line \resizebox{1200px}{!}
. Exclamation mark symbol stands for relative height resizing.
- gcd.tex - Germanium Coaxial Detector
- gfd.tex - Germanium Flat Detector (similar to BeGe from CANBERRA)
- gpd.tex - Germanium Planar Detector
- gwd.tex - Germanium Well-type Detector