Use I2C LCD with any Input/Output pin of the Arduino, using software implemented I2C protocol
This project is a modified version of LiquidCrystal_I2C.
This library implements the same functions of the standard LiquidCrystal_I2C library, but instead of using hardware TWI (two wire interface, on pins A4 and A5) protocol it generate the same signals in software, with worse performance, but you can use any I/O pin on the board (not necessary A4 and A5, that might be used as analog input if needed).
To initialize the LCD object you have to use the following syntax:
- ADDRESS is the I2C address of the device connected on the bus (usually 0x27 or 0x3f, but refer to the below section Address Scanner)
- COLUMNS is the number of columns of your display (most used ones have 16 or 20 columns)
- ROWS is the number of rows of your display (most used ones have 2 or 4 columns)
- SDA_PIN is the pin connected to the SDA pin of the I2C interface of your LCD screen
- SCL_PIN is the pin connected to the SCL pin of the I2C interface of your LCD screen
More information about the usage of the library in the examples.