CIEDE2000 provides utility functions to:
- calculate the distance between two Lab colors;
- convert colors from BGR to Lab.
Calculates the distance between two Lab colors in terms of ΔE00.
Usage example:
from ciede2000 import CIEDE2000
lab1 = (50.0, 2.5, 0.0)
lab2 = (50.0, -1.0, 2.0)
deltaE_00 = CIEDE2000.distance(lab1, lab2)
Converts a BGR color to a Lab color.
Usage example:
from ciede2000 import CIEDE2000
bgr = (125, 125, 125)
lab_color = CIEDE2000.bgr_to_lab(bgr)
The folder data
contains spreadsheets with test data:
- lab-distances.xlsx contains test data for the function
; - bgr-to-lab.xlsx contains test data for the function
Francesco Racciatti
The implementation of Lab colors difference, and the related tests, are based on the paper The CIEDE2000 Color-Difference Formula: Implementation Notes, Supplementary Test Data, and Mathematical Observations, by G. Sharma, W. Wu, E. N. Dalal.
The tests of the BGR to Lab conversion function were built by using (checked on April 27, 2021).
This project is licensed under MIT license.