#Laravel Test - RESTful API#
Francisco Corrales Morales
##How to use it:##
Server URL: https://hangarlaravel.herokuapp.com/
###Valid Content-Type:###
- application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- multipart/form-data
- application/json
###CRUD Actions:###
Verb | Path | Action | Route Name |
GET | /api/songs | index | songs.index |
GET | /api/songs/{id} | show | songs.show |
POST | /api/songs | store | songs.store |
PUT | /api/songs/{id} | update | songs.update |
DELETE | /api/songs/{id} | destroy | songs.destroy |
###Song Attributes:###
Attribute | Type | Required | Generated |
id | integer | No | Yes |
url | string | Yes | No |
songname | string | Yes | No |
artistid | string | Yes | No |
albumid | string | Yes | No |
albumid | string | Yes | No |
albumname | string | Yes | No |
created_at | date | No | Yes |
updated_at | date | No | Yes |
##Time Spent:##
- Setup (Heroku, Laravel, Repository, Local) - 3 hours
- Set Models, Controllers, Database, Seeders - 4 hours
- CRUD - 2 hours
- Validation - 0.5 hours
- Auth - not yet
- Extras
- Spotify Preview - 0.5 hours
- Dingo - 3.5 hours
- Test - not yet
- The songs ids were not unique. So some are changed to maintain id as the unique identifier.