Help script to create a backup or restore a backup created with raspiBackup in a simple, dialog-driven way. It can simply be started without any options. Then first a query appears whether a backup should be created or a restore should be performed. In case of a restore it is asked if the last backup should be restored. (y/N) At (N) a corresponding backup can be selected from a list. Then the target medium is selected and raspiBackup does the rest.
Required raspiBackup from
Possible options --last , --select and --backup
Option --last -> the last backup is automatically selected and restored to the target medium
Option --select -> the desired backup can be selected from a list
Option --backup -> some options are asked like more than two default partitions, comment in backup name....
- See [this flowchart](./images/raspiBackopRestoreHelper_simple_flow-chart.pdf) for details
Upgrade 2022-07-22
Because of the -M function, with which a comment can be appended to the name of the backup directory (but these backups are not included in the backup strategy), I added an option --delete, with which a version can be selected from a list and deleted.
Before the final confirmation of the deletion process, the name of the directory to be deleted is displayed for checking purposes.
After the deletion process, the contents of the backup directory are displayed again via ls-la for checking purposes.
!! This dialogue can only be called up (as protection against accidental wrong entries) by using the --delete option.
I have also made a few optical changes and removed the completely superfluous dash lines.
Update 12.05.2024
At the suggestion of a user, I have added the possibility to define the color of the texts with a configuration file, “raspiBackupDialog.conf”, because they are not clearly visible on every background.
The config file must be saved under /usr/local/etc/raspiBackupDialog.conf