We provide the file freezeml-pldi2020.ova
, which is a virtual machine stored
in the Open Virtual Appliance format supported by most virtualisation software.
Use your favourite virtualisation solution (VirtualBox, VMWare) to import the
virtual machine file. After booting up the virtual machine log in as "user"
with password "user". You will be automatically taken to the ~/freezeml/
directory, which contains a copy of this README file. You can view the readme
inside the virtual machine by issuing the following command:
less README.md
or continue reading this file. If you decide to read this file inside the virtual machine it is recommended that you log into the second terminal so that you can run the examples without closing the readme. Use Alt+F1 / Alt+F2 to switch to the first and second terminal respectively.
The root password for the virtual machine is "pldi2020". The operating system inside the VM is a Debian Linux 10 and comes with Emacs and Vim editors already installed.
We have implemented FreezeML in Links, a functional programming language. Links version provided inside this virtual machine is 0.9.1. The current version of Links can be installed on Linux via OPAM:
opam install links
However, Links is already preinstalled in the VM. The sources are publicly available at https://github.com/links-lang/links.
The freeze operator is implemented as ~
in Links, meaning that a variable x
is frozen by writing ~x
. Instantiation and generalisation are written as e@
and $e
, respectively, as in the paper. Here, e
can be an arbitrary Links
expression, potentially enclosed in parentheses.
There are several differences between Links and FreezeML. These are either cosmetic (slightly different syntax) or orthogonal to the system presented in the paper, e.g. Links has a more powerful type system based on row typing. However, the row typing does not interact with first-class polymorphism. See section "Differences between Links and FreezeML" below for a description of the most important differences.
The FreezeML paper contains a large set of example programs in Figure 1 in Section 2.1. The easiest way to verify that Links implements FreezeML is by checking that for each program in Figure 1 there exists a corresponding version in Links of the same type, modulo minor differences described later on.
Note that those examples in Figure 1 marked with X (i.e., A8, E1, and E3) do not type-check in FreezeML and do not type-check in Links, either. The examples from Figure 1 rely on the functions given in Figure 2 with their respective types.
Thus, we provide two separate files in the ~/freezeml
contains the definitions of functions shown in Figure 2. This is a valid Links source file.examples.tests
contains the examples from Figure 1, which in turn use the functions fromenvironment.links
The file examples.tests
contains verbatim translations of the corresponding
programs from Figure 14, with the following special cases:
The examples A11*, A12*, C6*, E3, and E3• exhibit the interaction of FreezeML and Links' inference of linearity, which we described in Section 6 of the paper. In these examples, we need to annotate function parameters with their kind to prevent Links from inferring that the parameter is linear. However, the types of the function parameters are still inferred as expected.
Example F10 from the paper is omitted as it only type-checks in a version of FreezeML that does not obey the value restriction. Links enforces the value restriction, thus there is no way to typecheck example F10 .
The file examples.tests
contains several blocks of consecutive lines,
separated by an empty line. Each such block represents one example from Figure
The first line in each block contains a description, indicating which example from Figure 1 the current block represents.
The second line in most cases contains the actual Links code. Alternatively, in
some cases, the second line contains a path to a .links
file containing the
actual code. Note that the paths given in the second line are relative to the
Finally, the lines from the third onward give extra information about the expected output of the program. This includes:
- The messages printed (
stdout :
andstderr :
) - The exit code, if non-zero (
exit :
) - Flag to read a program from a file (
filemode :
Note that for type-checking programs the stdout :
entry contains the expected
type. Section "Differences between Links and FreezeML" explains the differences
between the types displayed by Links and those shown in Figure 1.
There are two ways to verify that the programs from examples.tests
in Links with the correct types. Both methods rely on invoking a vanilla
installation of Links 0.9.1, which is present in the VM.
You can start the Links REPL by invoking links --config=freezeml.config
the ~/freezeml
directory. This loads the config file freezeml.config
starts the REPL. The settings in freezeml.config
implicitly load
and make its bindings available. Further, it sets certain
options to align the behaviour of Links with that of FreezeML. See the section
"Differences between Links and FreezeML" below for an explanation of these
After starting the REPL, you can type in a given example program, followed by
and pressing enter. This will process the snippet and show its type.
Files containing programs can be loaded by issuing the following in the REPL:
@load "filepath/goes/here" ;
. Note that example programs A8, E1, and E3 are
(deliberately) ill-typed and loading/typing them into the REPL will produce a
type error.
To exit the REPL type @quit;
or press Ctrl+D. For more information about
using the REPL, see the corresponding section below.
Alternatively, you can invoke ./run-examples.py
from the ~/freezeml
directory. This will run each example program individually and verify that the
actual output and/or return code matches the expected information.
This section contains example expression that you might want to enter into the REPL. These are intended to get you more familiar with Links and enable testing that goes beyond just reproducing results from the paper.
Links REPL has a command history (similar to normal shells), which you can access by pressing the up arrow and down arrow keys. For your convenience, we have setup the REPL in a way such that the programs below are part of the command history already. Thus, instead of typing them into the REPL, you can just press the up arrow key after starting the REPL for the first time.
An anonymous identity function. Note the trailing
to terminate REPL input.fun (x) {x} ;
A named version of the identity function.
fun f(x) {x} ;
The same function, but with a signature that gives the parameter
the polymorphic typeforall a. a
. Further, the signature evokes that the return type is instantiated to beforall a. a
, too.sig g : (forall a. a) -> (forall a. a) fun g (x) {x} ;
A FreezeML equivalent of the definition of
would be:let (g : (forall a. a) -> (forall a. a)) = \x.x in ...
Note that REPL input can span multiple lines, as it must be terminated by
. For clarity, in the pre-installed command history, we have put all functions on a single line each. -
A version of
that freezesx
, hence resulting in the same polymorphic return type as before.sig h : (forall a. a) -> (forall a. a) fun h (x) {~x} ;
Using the parameter as a function.
sig i : (forall a. a) -> (forall a. a) fun i (x) {x(~x)} ;
Version of
that switches the location of the freeze operator, which leads to an ill-typed program.sig j : (forall a. a) -> (forall a. a) fun j (x) {~x(x)} ;
This doesn't work on its own:
fun k(x) {x(x)} ;
Neither does this...
fun l(x) {x(~x)} ;
Create a variable whose value is [], since writing ~[] doesn't work on its own:
var nil = [] ;
Create a list of three polymorphic
s:map (fun (x) {~nil})([1,2,3]) ;
The syntax of FreezeML and Links differ as follows:
Function applications require parentheses in Links. Hence, the FreezeML program
f x
in Links. This also holds when applying multiple, curried arguments:f x y
. -
Functions are defined with the
keyword in Links. The FreezeML functionlambda x. x
becomesfun (x) {x}
. Likewise,lambda x y. x
becomesfun (x)(y) {x}
. Named functions can be defined by stating their name before the parameters, e.g. by writingfun foo(x) {x}
Links does not have
bindings of the formlet x = M in N
. Instead, variables are bound with thevar
keyword, the binding is terminated by;
. Hence, thelet
binding above would be written asvar x = M; N
in Links. -
Function types always require parenthesis on the parameter in Links. For example, the FreezeML type
a -> b
is written as(a) -> b
in Links. -
Links supports annotations on binders and overall bindings. For example, we can write
fun inc (x : Int) {x + 1}
or alternatively:sig inc : Int -> Int fun inc(x) {x + 1}
denotes a type signature, which must immediately precede the binding it applies to. Such signatures can also be used withvar
bindings. -
In Links, we write
for the type "list of integers". Similarly,(Int, Bool)
denotes "tuple of integers and booleans".
For more information on Links' syntax, see its documentation.
The main differences between the type systems of Links and FreezeML are the following:
Links uses a type-effect system based on Rémy-style row polymorphism. This
means that a function type (a) -> b
in Links is actually syntactic sugar for
(a) {|c}-> b
, where {|c}
is an empty effect row ending with the fresh
effect variable c
. Here, fresh means that the variable occurs nowhere else.
The same type can be written as (a) -c-> b
, which is also just syntactic sugar
for (a) {|c} -> b
This leads to small differences between the types shown in Figure 1 and the
types shown by Links for the corresponding FreezeML program. For instance, the
example A1• is shown to have type forall a b. a -> b -> b
in Figure 1.
However, the corresponding Links program has type forall a,b::Row,c::(Any,Any),d::Row.(a) -b-> (c::Any) -d-> c::Any
(see line 7 in
The difference between FreezeML and Links is that the latter quantifies the row
variables b
and d
. For the purposes of comparing FreezeML with its
implementation in Links, you can simply ignore all row variables, e.g. variables
like b
appearing as b::Row
after the forall
and appearing inside a
function arrow, as in -b->
. These row variables have no counterpart in
For compatibility reasons with legacy code, the scoping behaviour of type variables works differently in Links than in FreezeML. In Links, one can omit quantifiers at the top of a type annotation. Consider the following two versions of the same function
sig f1 : forall a,e::Row. (a) -e-> a
fun f1(x) {x}
sig f2 : (a) -e-> a
fun f2(x) {x}
The only difference is that in f1
the type variable a
and row variable e
are explicitly quantified, whereas in f2
the type signature just states (a) -e-> a
, without a quantifier. However, both functions are still given the same
type, as the type variables in the signature of f2
are implicitly quantified.
The two versions only differ in whether or not a
and e
are bound in the body
of the function. The rule is that if the type annotation explicitly states the
quantifier, then the type variables are not bound in the body.
Note: this is the exact opposite of how scoped type variables behave in
Hence, the following version of f1
is illegal:
sig f1 : forall a, e::Row. (a) -e-> a
fun f1(x) {x : a}
as a
is unbound.
However, the following version of f2
is legal:
sig f2 : (a) -e-> a
fun f2(x) {x : a}
This differs from FreezeML, where let (x : forall a. A) = M in N
binds a
, if M
is generalisable.
The file freezeml.config
mentioned earlier contains the following settings,
which make Links behave closer to FreezeML:
For simplicity, we do not use Links' usual prelude of builtin functions, but only use
, which contains definitions of functions from Figure 2. This file is evaluated at startup and its bindings become globally available. -
By default, Links doesn't show quantifiers of polymorphic functions/values. Instead of
forall a. (a::Any) -> a::Any
, Links would show only(a::Any) -> a::Any
by default. Enabling this setting shows the former, fully qualified type. -
By default, Links hides type variables that are fresh (i.e., only occur in a single location). This setting evokes that all type variables are shown.
By default, the Links REPL generalises any expression entered, if the expression is generalisable. For instance, entering
fun (x) {x}
into the REPL would yield typeforall a. (a) -> a
. The above setting prevents this generalisation, and the expression would be given type(a) -> a
. This setting ensures that no implicit generalisation occurs.