This is an alternative version for RaspberryPi Zero W, an IoT adapter for the H-series heat pumps. It consists of:
- a gateway written in Go that translates serial comms with the heat pump on the CN-CNT link to MQTT
The gateway (called GoHeishaMon or heishamon) is responsible for parsing the data received from the Heat Pump and posting it to MQTT topics. It is a reimplementation of the project in Go.
- posting Heat Pump data to MQTT
- changing settings on the Heat Pump
- supports Home Assistant's MQTT discovery
- emulation of the Optional PCB
GoHeishaMon will be used without the CZ-TAW1 module on a RaspberryPI. It requires a serial port connection to the Heat Pump. The new version is running as a daemon. As a consequence, the logs are no longer written to stdout, they end up in system log [/var/log/messages] (and MQTT topic).
- the binary is /usr/bin/heishamon by default
- the configuration is stored in /etc/heishamon/ and is preserved on upgrades
- the service name is heishamon
If you use a arm64 OS, please download the right go version.
- Serial port TTL Adapter connected to the Pi for communication with the pump
- Go Version 1.20.4
- Installed RaspberryOS
- I had to re-arange the PINs of the TTL Adapter with a small breakout board to match the pinout of the pump cable
Overview of the process:
- Install Go 1.20.4 on the PI with the Installation-Script. It will download the right version and install it
- Build GoHeishaMon with Go
cd ./package/heishamon/src
go build -v
- Copy all needed files to the system
cp ./package/heishamon/files/config.example /etc/heishamon/config.yaml
cp ./package/heishamon/files/heishamon.init /etc/init.d/heishamon
cp ./package/heishamon/files/topics.yaml /etc/heishamon/
cp ./package/heishamon/files/topicsOptionalPCB.yaml /etc/heishamon
cp ./package/heishamon/src/GoHeishaMon /usr/bin/heishamon
- Make the filex excutable
chmod +x /etc/init.d/heishamon
chmod +x /usr/bin/heishamon
- Enable Service
update-rc.d heishamon defaults
In order to configure GoHeishaMon:
* systemctl stop heishamon
- Edit the config file (/etc/heishamon/config.yaml)
* systemctl start heishamon
* systemctl status heishamon
Logs are stored in /var/log/messages