- docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
- If the machine is exist just run docker-machine start default
- docker-machine env default
- eval $(docker-machine env default)
- run docker-compose up
- If the image already build try to run this command docker-compose up --build
- ADD . /code
Mount current directory to code directory on container folder - volumes:
- ./site.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/site.conf Mount site.conf file from local to /etc/nginx/conf.d/ in the container
- Make sure before open the port the docker-machine is stopped
- VBoxManage modifyvm "default" --natpf1 "default,tcp,,3000,,3000"
- docker build -t my-node-app .
- If we already have the docker image we can kill it first to see the changes. docker kill my-node-app-container
- docker run -d -it --name=my-node-app-container -v $(pwd):/app -p 3000:3000 my-node-app
$ docker-machine-nfs test
> Configure the /Users folder with NFS
$ docker-machine-nfs test --shared-folder=/Users --shared-folder=/var/www
> Configures the /Users and /var/www folder with NFS
$ docker-machine-nfs test --shared-folder=/var/www --nfs-config="-alldirs -maproot=0"
> Configure the /var/www folder with NFS and the options '-alldirs -maproot=0'
$ docker-machine-nfs test --mount-opts="noacl,async,nolock,vers=3,udp,noatime,actimeo=1"
> Configure the /User folder with NFS and specific mount options.
$ docker-machine-nfs test --ip
> docker-machine will connect to your host machine via this address