The xmeso-TermExtractor code builds a dictionary of terms for use by Ruta from i2b2's ontology. The code interfaces with the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) API
** Pre-requisites **
-- -- The code contains a file. This file is an example. Please copy it and rename it In, you need to set the following values:
- Oracle connection information (username, password, etc.) to connect to your i2b2 metadata schema
- UMLS api key, username and password. To apply for a UMLS account, please see this link:
- outputDir the directory where the completed
-- Python pre-requisites -- You must install the following python modules: PyQuery cx_Oracle urllib2 requests
-- Running the code -- Use python to execute the main method in The output will contain different messages depending on the codes extracted from i2b2.
"Found new category. Loading terms for category: XXXX" this indicates the code found a new category of i2b2 terms to load.
"Could not find prefix for basecode: XXXX" this message is caused by some i2b2 terms with basecodes not found in UMLS (ex: PATH|IMMUNH:UN)
"Error retrieving synonyms for concept [XXXXX]. Error: concept" this message is caused by i2b2 terms with basecodes not found in UMLS (see above).
"Error retrieving extractSeedConcept: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'" this indicates that the code is attempting to process a top-level node (ex: /SURGICAL MARGINS/). These i2b2 items do not need to be searched.
The code generate several lines when it outputs the data to files (where XXXX is the "category"):
Opening files for output. Opening file: /Users/chb69/borromeocd/nmvb/nlp_work/ruta_XXXX.txt Closing file ... Done.
The code performs the following steps:
- Execute a SQL query to retrieve the term list from i2b2's ontology (the metadata schema)
- For each item in the i2b2 term list, add it to the Ruta dictionary.
- For each item in the i2b2 term list, determine its "category".
- For each item in the i2b2 term list, find all synonyms from UMLS. Add the UMLS synonyms to the Ruta dictionary.
- After all the items in the i2b2 term list are finished, dump the data into separate semi-colon delimited files for Ruta. Create one file for each "category".