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Idris 2 UI

Make declaritve UIs in Idris 2!

This library aims to provide the developer experience inspired by react native.


  • basic web devolpment
  • recompile on save (manual reload in browser is still needed)
  • inspector
  • basic mobile development


This project is meant for inspiring production-ready packages and as a testing ground for iterations to reach the best developer experience possible.

Iterations code is all kept, in separate packages.


try it online source



module Demo25.Usage

import Demo25.UI.View
import Demo25.UI.Browser.View

import Demo25.TodoApp

--- Hello world

HelloWorldApp = Text "Hello World"

--- Component instances

Counter : { default 1 step : Int } -> View
Counter = do
  (count, setCount) <- useState $ the Int 0
  Flex { style = s{ direction = Row } } [
    Text "\{show count}",
    Text { press = [setCount $ count + step] } "+\{show step}"

ComponentInstancesApp = Flex { style = s{ direction = Col } } [
  Counter { step = 2 }

--- Naive Routing

namespace NaiveRouting

  data Route = HomeRoute | AboutRoute

  HomeScreen = Text "Home"

  AboutScreen = Text "About"

  matchRoute : Route -> View
  matchRoute HomeRoute = HomeScreen
  matchRoute AboutRoute = AboutScreen

  NaiveRoutingApp : View
  NaiveRoutingApp = do
    (currentRoute, setCurrentRoute) <- useState HomeRoute
    Flex { style = s{ direction = Col } } [
      Flex { style = s{ direction = Row } } [
        Text { press = [setCurrentRoute HomeRoute] } "Home",
        Text { press = [setCurrentRoute AboutRoute] } "About"
      matchRoute currentRoute

--- Simple todos

SimpleTodosApp = do
  (text, setText) <- useState $ the String ""
  (todos, setTodos) <- useState $ the (List String) []
  let addTodo = [
    setTodos (text :: todos),
    setText ""
  Flex { style = s{ direction = Col } } [
    Flex { style = s{ direction = Row } } [
      Input { value = text, change = (\text => [setText text]) },
      Text { press = addTodo } "add"
    Flex { style = s{ direction = Col } } $ (flip map) todos $ \todo => Text todo

--- Routing

namespace Routing

  interface Route where view : View

  navigateContext = createContext (Route -> List StateUpdate)
  routeContext = createContext Route

  Link : (to : Route) -> (content : String) -> View
  Link to content = do
    navigate <- navigateContext
    Text { press = navigate to } content

  Router : (initial : Route) -> (render: (outlet : View) -> View) -> View
  Router initial render = do
    (currentRoute, setCurrentRoute) <- useState initial
    let navigate = \to => [setCurrentRoute to]
    let contextProviders = (Provider navigateContext navigate) . (Provider routeContext currentRoute)
    contextProviders (render (view @{currentRoute}))


  [Home] Route where
    view = Text "HOME"

  [About] Route where
    view = Text "ABOUT"

  [Product] {id : String} -> Route where
    view = Text "PRODUCT \{id}"

  [Counters] Route where
    view = Flex { style = s{ direction = Col } } [
      Counter { step = 3 }

  RoutingApp : View
  RoutingApp = Router Home $ \outlet =>
    Flex { style = s{ direction = Col } } [
      Text "RoutingApp",
      Flex { style = s{ direction = Row } } [
        Link Home "Home",
        Link About "About",
        Link (Product { id = "1" }) "Product (1)",
        Link (Product { id = "2" }) "Product (2)",
        Link Counters "Counters"

--- Styling

StyledApp = Flex [
  Input {
    style = s{
      color = rgba 200 200 200 0.5
    value = "",
    change = \value => []
  Text {
    style = s{
      font = s{
        family = "Roboto",
        size = 32,
        weight = 800,
        style = Italic
      color = rgb 255 0 0,
      align = Center,
      lineHeight = 2
  } "Hello\nworld",
  Flex {
    style = s{
      direction = Row,
      margin = s{ all = 1, vertical = 2, horizontal = 3, top = 4, right = 5, bottom = 6, left = 7 },
      padding =  s{ all = 1, vertical = 2, horizontal = 3, top = 4, right = 5, bottom = 6, left = 7 },
      border = s{
        width = s{ all = 1, vertical = 2, horizontal = 3, top = 4, right = 5, bottom = 6, left = 7 },
        radius = s{
          all = 1,
          top = 2,
          left = 3,
          bottom = 4,
          right = 5,
          topLeft = 6,
          topRight = 7,
          bottomRight = 8,
          bottomLeft = 9
        color = s{
          all = rgba 10 0 0 0.5,
          vertical = rgba 20 0 0 0.5,
          horizontal = rgba 30 0 0 0.5,
          top = rgba 40 0 0 0.5,
          right = rgba 50 0 0 0.5,
          bottom = rgba 60 0 0 0.5,
          left = rgba 70 0 0 0.5
      background = rgb 0 255 0,
      gap = s{ all = 1, col = 2, row = 3 }, -- aka css flex-gap
      wrap = True, -- aka css flex-wrap
      justify = Center, -- aka css justify-content
      align = End, -- aka css self-align
      grow = 2, -- aka css flex-grow
      width = s{ min = psf 0.2, max = psf 0.3 }, -- parent size fraction aka css percentage / 100
      height = dip 200 -- density indipendent pixels aka css pixels
  } []

--- render

main : IO ()
main = do
  root <- Root.create
  root.render [


Declarative UI in Idris 2!







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