is a jQuery plugin, based on pekeUpload, that allows you to easily add multiple or single file upload functionality to your website. This plugin uses html5 only. This plugin is still in active development
- jQuery 1.4.x or greater
- Twitter Bootstrap v3.0.x or greater
Some Features include:
- Lightweight (6.29 KB min)
- Set File size limit
- Set File extensions restrictions
- Custom error messages and custom css classes
- Real-Time Progress Indicators
- Drag & Drop File Upload support
- Preview your media file (images,audios and videos)
- And others more...
The original pekeUpload was great, but i needed some changes and the support was slow. So i forked a new project to do my custom work on it.
Download solriaUpload zip.
Unzip solriaUpload zip.
Then add a reference to the jQuery library.
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
Below the reference to jQuery, add a reference to the pekeUpload script.
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/solriaUpload.min.js"></script>
On the page, add a file input.
<input id="file" type="file" name="file" />
Initialize solriaUpload on the file input.
Option | Default | Format | Description |
dragMode | false | true/false | Set the mode of uploading the files, if you prefer the user drags & drops, or to click on a button and browse for the file |
dragText | "Drag and Drop your files here" | string | Set the text for the drag & drop area |
btnText | "Browse files..." | string | Set the text of the upload button |
allowedExtensions | "" | "ext1" | Sets the file extensions allowed to upload |
invalidExtError | "Invalid File Type" | string | Sets the error message when the file has an unsupported extension |
maxSize | 0 | float | Set the file size limit in MB, 0 means no limit |
sizeError | "Size of the file is greather than allowed" | string | Sets the error message when the file is bigger than size allowed |
showPreview | true | true/false | Sets if you want to show a preview (if the file is an audio,image or video) on the uploader queue |
showFilename | true | true/false | Sets if you want to show the file name on the uploader queue |
showPercent | true | true/false | Sets if you want to show the percent on the uploader queue |
showErrorAlerts | true | true/false | Sets if you want to show error alerts on the uploader queue |
errorOnResponse | "There has been an error uploading your file" | string | Sets the message when the file is uploaded and the response script returns that there is an error but a error message on the response was not found |
onSubmit | false | true/false | Gives you the option of upload the files when the files are selected or when you submit the form. |
url | "upload.php" | string | Set the url of upload script |
data | null | {var1:"value"} | Set POST additional data associated to the file |
limit | 0 | integer | Sets the limits of files that an user can uploads, 0 is unlimited |
limitError | "You have reached the limit of files that you can upload" | string | Sets the error message when a user tried to upload more files than the limit |
delfiletext | "Remove from queue" | string | Sets the default message of the button which allows to delete a file from a queue of uploads |
dragContainerCss | "well well-lg" | string | Sets the css for the drag container div |
uploadButtonCss | "btn btn-primary btn-upload" | string | Sets the css for the drag container div |
uploadButtonIconCss | "glyphicon glyphicon-upload" | string | Sets the css for the upload button |
previewIconFileCss | "glyphicon glyphicon-file" | string | Sets the css for the preview icon file |
onFileError | function(file,error){} | function(file,error){} | Event triggered when some error ocurs, returns error (string), file (object). file returns and file.size |
onFileSuccess | function(file,data){} | function(file,data){} | Event triggered when the file has been uploaded succesfully, returns data (string), file (object). file returns and file.size |
The file is received by the server side script with the name of the input, for example: if you set that the name of the input is image, then you must expect on the server-side script an input called image.
The server side script must return 'true' or '{success:true}', if you want to set your custom server error message, return '{success:false, error: 'my custom error'}'