Year Goal: Deep dive one level with JVM/Spring on a high demmanded microservice envirionment on the cloud
- Study Kotlin: will be studied as demanded during the development of the following topics:
- Study Project Reactor
- Create a new repository: Use Kotlin
- Must include:
- with pros/cons
- Micro benchmarks comparing with other 2 approaches
- Script for running load testing on some cloud environment
- Monitoring with reports generated from consolidated tools: NewRelic, DataDog, JVM Specific Tools, etc...
- Create a Medium Post
- Study Eclipse Vert.x
- Create a new repository: Use Kotlin
- Must include:
- with pros/cons
- Micro benchmarks comparing with other 2 approaches
- Script for running load testing on some cloud environment
- Monitoring with reports generated from consolidated tools: NewRelic, DataDog, JVM Specific Tools, etc...
- Create a Medium Post
- Study Book: Designing Event-Driven Systems O'Reilly: Concepts and Patterns for Streaming Services with Apache Kafka
- Create a new repository: Use Kotlin
- Must include:
- with pros/cons
- Micro benchmarks comparing with other 2 approaches
- Script for running load testing on some cloud environment
- Monitoring with reports generated from consolidated tools: NewRelic, DataDog, JVM Specific Tools, etc...
- Create a Medium Post
- Study the main challenges regarding observability for high demmanded microservice envirionment on the cloud
- DataDog, CloudWatch, NewRelic, etc..
- AWS Certified Solutions Architect