The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
The_unanimous_Declaration_of_the_thirteen_united_States_of_America.b7626cfa0edbec6402e63b9d17a9faa5.1.1338.8118.ASCII.txt - this is the text only without signatures
Signatures.15c5c1ab2aea0f4d249202ac593d176a.1.120.853.ASCII.txt - I separated the signatures because for application content these are not relevent. Although these are perpetual representatives so it shall be included. I have even made them into vCard contacts: perpetual representatives for your contacts list.
vCards - Perpetual representatives for your contacts list. To be added later.
Declaration_Engrav_Pg1of1_AC.f8f8102de9d5796228811c52ee08f52f.jpg - This is the photo of the original declaration. Written in stone. [DATE]
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America has priority to be archived in both ASCII wordcounted and checksummed text and PDF/A-1 archive format for long term preservation then crptographicly signed and attested, garunteed to be veritable to corresponding printed replica documents.