A jQuery / Zepto plugin to get input suggestions from Google
npm install googlesuggest
bower install googlesuggest
The following types of input fields are supported:
- text
- tel
- url
- search
menuClass: 'dropdown',
itemHighlightedClass: 'dropdown-highlighted',
maxItemCount: 10
- menuContainer - Optional. The container to host the suggestion menu. If not specfied, the parent of the input field will be used.
- menuClass - Optional. The css class of the menu.
- itemClass - Optional. The css class of the menu item.
- itemHighlightedClass - Required. The css class of the highlighted menu item.
- interval - Optional, Default: 100, Unit: ms. The interval of detecting the change of the input field.
- maxItemCount - Optional, Default: 5. The maximum number of candidates to display.