There might be so many partials on real project that is based on Handlebars. Let's maintain all the templates on single file.
Make a path using block like path1.path2
it is very easy.
####See usecase.
root.child1: {{value1}},
root.child2: {{value1}},
{{#helperTest title}}{{/helperTest}}
root.child3-1: {{value1}},
root.child3-2: {{value1}},
root.child4.child3-3: {{value1}},
root.child4.child3-4: {{value1}}
Handlebars.blockSnippet(text, "root", {
"title": "title"
, "child1": {
"value1": "child1.value1"
, "child2": {
"value1": "child2.value1"
Result is title root.child1: child1.value1 root.child2: child2.value1 %helperTest: title
Handlebars.blockSnippet(text, "root.child1", {
"value1": "child1.value1"
Result is root.child1: child1.value1,
Handlebars.blockSnippet(text, "child3", {
"value1": "value1",
"child4": {
"child3": true
Handlebars.blockSnippet(text, "root.child4.child3", {
"value1": "value1"