A cli to browse and watch anime (alone AND with friends). This tool scrapes the site animixplay.
If you encounter "Video url not found" or any breaking issue, then make sure you are on latest version by typing
sudo ani-cli -U
to update on Linux, Mac and Android. On Windows, run gitbash as administrator then there type ani-cli -U
If after this the issue persists then open an issue.
If after updating you get a similar error: "/usr/bin/ani-cli: line 470: (...)/player_mpv: No such file or directory"
then uninstall and reinstall ani-cli with the installation instructions provided below.
We now scrape animixplay instead of gogoanime, which allows for faster link fetching as well as getting new
releases sooner.
New arguments:
-f use fzf for anime selection
-r [1-3] select provider to scrape first
-x print all video links from all providers to stdout (for debugging purpose)
To see a list with all the arguments, use the -h or --help argument
For more info on providers, please refer to this discussion
ani-cli V3.3 has breaking changes and is incompatible with previous versions install location. Please uninstall before proceeding.
Native packages have a more robust update cycle, but sometimes they are slow to upgrade. If the one for your platform is up-to-date we suggest going with it.
wget -qO- https://Wiener234.github.io/ani-cli-ppa/KEY.gpg | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ani-cli.asc
wget -qO- https://Wiener234.github.io/ani-cli-ppa/ani-cli-debian.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ani-cli-debian.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ani-cli
To install mpv (and vlc) you need RPM Fusion free enabled. Simply follow the instructions here: https://rpmfusion.org/Configuration To be able to install syncplay, you'll need to enable this copr repo (instructions included): https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/batmanfeynman/syncplay/.
To install ani-cli:
sudo dnf copr enable derisis13/ani-cli
sudo dnf install ani-cli
If for your distro uses rpm and you would like to see a native package, open an issue.
Also consider ani-cli-git
yay -S ani-cli
Install dependencies (See below)
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/share/ani-cli" "/usr/local/bin/ani-cli" "/usr/local/bin/UI" /usr/local/bin/player_* #If some of these aren't found, it's not a problem
git clone "https://github.com/pystardust/ani-cli.git" && cd ./ani-cli
sudo cp ./ani-cli /usr/local/bin
cd .. && rm -rf "./ani-cli"
Also note that mpv installed through flatpak is not compatible
Install dependencies (See below)
Install HomeBrew if not installed.
rm -rf "$(brew --prefix)/share/ani-cli" "$(brew --prefix)/bin/ani-cli" "$(brew --prefix)/bin/UI" "$(brew --prefix)"/bin/player_* #If some of these aren't found, it's not a problem
git clone "https://github.com/pystardust/ani-cli.git" && cd ./ani-cli
cp ./ani-cli "$(brew --prefix)"/bin
cd .. && rm -rf ./ani-cli
To install (with Homebrew) the dependencies required on Mac OS, you can run:
brew install curl grep axel openssl@1.1 ffmpeg git && \
brew install --cask iina
Why iina and not mpv? Drop-in replacement for mpv for MacOS. Integrates well with OSX UI. Excellent support for M1. Open Source.
Make sure git bash is installed (Install)
Note that the installation instruction below must be done inside Git Bash, not in Command Prompt or Powershell
rm -rf "/usr/local/share/ani-cli" "/usr/local/bin/ani-cli" "/usr/local/bin/UI" /usr/local/bin/player_* #If some of these aren't found, it's not a problem
git clone "https://github.com/pystardust/ani-cli.git" && cd ./ani-cli
cp ./ani-cli /usr/bin
cd .. && rm -rf ./ani-cli
Run ani-cli in Git Bash (Running it in cmd or powershell may or may not work)
Install termux (Guide)
pkg up -y
pkg install ani-cli
pkg up -y
rm -rf "$PREFIX/share/ani-cli" "$PREFIX/bin/ani-cli" "$PREFIX/bin/UI" "$PREFIX"/local/bin/player_* #If some of these aren't found, it's not a problem
git clone "https://github.com/pystardust/ani-cli.git" && cd ./ani-cli
cp ./ani-cli "$PREFIX"/bin
cd .. && rm -rf ./ani-cli
Note : Vlc Android now works too ;)
You need to add any referrer in mpv by opening mpv (playstore version), going into Settings -> Advanced -> Edit mpv.conf and adding (for example):
- .deb:
sudo apt remove ani-cli
# to remove the repository from apt:
sudo rm -f /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ani-cli.asc /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ani-cli-debian.list
- .rpm
sudo dnf remove ani-cli # for ani-cli
sudo dnf remove ani-cli-full # for ani-cli-full
# disable the repo in dnf
dnf copr disable derisis13/ani-cli
You might want to uninstall RPM fusion if you don't use it otherwise
- AUR:
yay -R ani-cli
- Linux:
sudo rm "/usr/local/bin/ani-cli"
- Mac:
rm "$(brew --prefix)/bin/ani-cli"
- Windows: In Git Bash run (as administrator):
rm "/usr/bin/ani-cli"
- Termux package
pkg remove ani-cli
- Android:
rm "$PREFIX/bin/ani-cli"
- grep
- sed
- awk
- curl
- openssl
- mpv - Video Player
- iina - mpv replacement for MacOS
- axel - Download manager
- ffmpeg - m3u8 Downloader
- fzf (optional)
- animdl: Ridiculously efficient, fast and light-weight (supports most sources: animixplay, 9anime...) (Python)
- anime-helper-shell: A python shell for searching, watching, and downloading anime (Python)
- anipy-cli: ani-cli rewritten in python (Python)
- dra-cla: ani-cli equivalent for korean dramas (Shell)
- kaa.si-cli: Stream anime from kaa.si and sync with anilist (Python)
- lobster: Life action movies and series fom the terminal (Shell)
- manga-cli: Read manga in the cli (Shell)
- mangal: Download & read manga from any source with anilist sync (Go)
- mov-cli: Watch movies/tv shows in the cli (work in progress) (Python/Shell)
- saikou: Best android app for anime/manga with anilist integration (Kotlin)
- tv-cli: Watch live TV in the cli (Shell)