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Freezing Saddles Sync

This component is part of the Freezing Saddles project. Its purpose is to

  1. receive workflow messages published from freezing-nq and perform Strava API calls to retrieve activities/streams/etc.
  2. Perform periodic (cron-like) double checks to make sure that we haven't missed any activity updates/deletes.
  3. Perform periodic updates for non-Strava data (e.g. weather data).

Deploying With Docker

See freezing-compose for guide to deploying this in production along with the related containers.

This component is designed to run as a container and should be configured with environment variables for:

  • BEANSTALKD_HOST: The hostname (probably a container link) to a beanstalkd server.
  • BEANSTALKD_PORT: The port for beanstalkd server (default 11300)
  • SQLALCHEMY_URL: The URL to the database.
  • STRAVA_CLIENT_ID: The ID of the Strava application.
  • STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET: Secret key for the app (available from App settings page in Strava)
  • VISUAL_CROSSING_API_KEY: The key to your development account.
  • VISUAL_CROSSING_CACHE_DIR: The directory for cache files
  • TEAMS: A comma-separated list of team (Strava club) IDs for the competition. = env('TEAMS', cast=list, subcast=int, default=[])
  • OBSERVER_TEAMS: Comma-separated list of any teams that are just observing, not playing (they can get their overall stats included, but won't be part of leaderboards)
  • START_DATE: The beginning of the competition.
  • END_DATE: The end of the competition.
  • UPLOAD_GRACE_PERIOD: How long (days) can people upload rides after competition>
  • EXCLUDE_KEYWORDS: Any keywords to match on to exclude rides (default: "#NoBAFS"). Note: these are not case-sensitive.

Running Locally

If you are running this component locally for development/debugging, you may set these values in a configuration file, and specify the path to this file with the APP_SETTINGS environment variable. For example:

APP_SETTINGS=local.cfg freezing-sync

You can run individual sync commands too:

APP_SETTINGS=local.cfg python -m freezing.sync.cli.sync_weather --debug --limit 1

There are a few additional settings you may need (i.e. not to be default) when not running in Docker:

  • STRAVA_ACTIVITY_CACHE_DIR: Where to put cached activities (absolute path is a good idea).
  • VISUAL_CROSSING_CACHE_DIR: Similarly, where should weather files be stored?


This software is a an Apache 2.0 Licensed, community-driven effort, and as such the contributions are owned by the individual contributors:

Copyright 2018 Hans Lillelid
Copyright 2020 Richard Bullington-McGuire
Copyright 2020 Merlin Hughes


Freezing Saddles activity retrieval and processing







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