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WebExtensions module: Get any optional permissions that users have granted you.


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WebExtensions module: Get any optional permissions that users have granted you + other utilities

  • Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Safari
  • Manifest: v2 and v3
  • Context: Any context that has access to the chrome.permissions API

This package was recently renamed from webext-additional-permissions to webext-permissions


You can download the standalone bundle and include it in your manifest.json._

Or use npm:

npm install webext-permissions
# If you're using TypeScript, also run
npm install -D @types/chrome
// This module is only offered as a ES Module
import {
} from 'webext-permissions';


chrome.permissions.getAll() will report all permissions, whether they're part of the manifest’s permissions field or if they've been granted later via chrome.permissions.request.

webext-permissions will return the same Permissions object but it will only include any permissions that the user might have granted to the extension.

// example manifest.json
	"permissions": [
	"optional_permissions": [

Simple example with the above manifest:

(async () => {
	const newPermissions = await queryAdditionalPermissions();
	// => {origins: [], permissions: []}

	const manifestPermissions = await normalizeManifestPermissions();
	// => {origins: ['*'], permissions: ['storage']}

Example showing how the result changes when you add further permissions (for example via webext-domain-permission-toggle)

async function onGrantPermissionButtonClick() {
	await browser.permissions.request({origins: ['*']});

	// Regular `browser` API: returns manifest permissions and new permissions
	const allPermissions = await browser.permissions.getAll();
	// => {origins: ['*', '*'], permissions: ['storage']}

	// This module: only the new permission is returned
	const newPermissions = await queryAdditionalPermissions();
	// => {origins: ['*'], permissions: []}

	// This module: the manifest permissions are unchanged
	const manifestPermissions = await normalizeManifestPermissions();
	// => {origins: ['*'], permissions: ['storage']}



Returns a promise that resolves with a Permissions object like chrome.permissions.getAll and browser.permissions.getAll, but only includes the optional permissions that the user granted you.


Type: object


Type: boolean
Default: true

If the manifest contains the permission* and then you request *://** (like Safari does), the latter will be considered an additional permission because technically it's broader.

If this distinction doesn't matter for you (for example if the protocol is always https and there are no subdomains), you can use strictOrigins: false, so that the requested permission will not be reported as additional.

extractAdditionalPermissions(currentPermissions, options)

Like queryAdditionalPermissions, but instead of querying the current permissions, you can pass a Permissions object.

This function returns synchronously.


Type: Permissions object.


Type: object


Type: boolean
Default: true

See strictOrigins above


Type: object Default: chrome.runtime.getManifest()

The whole manifest.json object to be parsed. By default it asks the browser to provide it.


Returns a Permissions object listing the permissions inferred from the manifest file.

Differences from chrome.runtime.getManifest().permissions:

  • this function always returns a {origin, permissions} object rather than a flat permissions array, even in MV3
  • this function also includes host permissions inferred from all the content scripts
  • this function also includes the devtools permission inferred from the devtools_page, if present

Difference from chrome.permissions.getAll:

  • this function only includes the permissions you declared in manifest.json.


Type: object Default: chrome.runtime.getManifest()

The whole manifest.json object to be parsed. By default it asks the browser to provide it.


*://*/* includes every URL also matched by*, so the latter is overlapping.

This function accepts a Permissions object and it drops any permissions that are overlapping. Currently this only applies to origin permissions.

You can alternatively use the underlying excludeDuplicatePatterns in webext-patterns if you want to use raw arrays of origins.

isUrlPermittedByManifest(url, manifest)

Check whether a specific URL is statically permitted by the manifest, whether in the permissions array or in a content script. Like chrome.permissions.contains except:

  • it's synchronous
  • it's only true if the URL is in the manifest (additional permissions are not taken into consideration)


Type: object Default: chrome.runtime.getManifest()

The whole manifest.json object to be parsed. By default it asks the browser to provide it.



MIT © Federico Brigante