Rift is a universal React development framework. Rift aims to simplify React app development by hiding away high complexity configurations while also providing smooth developer experience such as create-react-app.
Rift is highly inspired from Jared Palmer's Razzle, Zeit's Next.js, Tokopedia's Treats and Facebook's create-react-app.
- Hot Module Replacement (Hot Reload) 🔥 ✅
- Server-side rendering 🌐 ✅
- ES6 presets ✅
- Supports multiple css modules such as LESS / SASS ✅
- Code-splitting support ✂ ✅
- Highly configurable webpack configurations ✅
- Built-in Jest testing environment ✅
- SVG, fonts, image files support ✅
- Next.js like data fetching experience ✅
- Optional GraphQL support
- Optional Redux support
- Optional Mobx support
- Client-side rendering only app
Rift setups 2 different webpack instances running in parallel with hot module replacement support, one for server (default: localhost:3000
) and one for client development server (localhost:3001
), and with a little help from http-proxy-middleware
, our server will then be able to access our client bundles by proxy-pointing to our client development server via localhost:3000/__WDS__
Rift will simply start an optimized bundling on our server and client codes onto a dist