These are the scripts used to generate the faust source code using ADT. To use this you need to install ADT and MatLab/Octave.
See the info in the beginning of the Makefile, but basically the order, array and function can be specified in the call to make: make -k ls function=6 order=3 array=normal
The KMHXXX_AE.m contain the speaker positions.
This is only if you wish to tweak the settings in any way. Compiled decoders may be found here:
In order to compile the decoders there are a number of dependencies that need to be resolved:
ADT (Ambisoncs Decoder Toolkit)
Pure Data
Links to Supercollider classes
Running Makefile scripts for ADT
Run the following for each function that needs to be compiled for lilla salen (108_all and 114_all for the studios):
$ make ls_all function=6
Note that for fuction 2 & 4 only orders up to 3 are usable.
The decoding matrices end up in a directory above your current directory named 'decoders'. Move into that directory with the following command:
$ cd ../decoders
With the decoding matrices calculated the binary decoders for all orders can be compiled by
$ make -k target=all all
The target can be either of [all,sc,max,pd,vst]. Following this step the binaries can be installed (to install only one target, use that as the argument for 'target'.:
$ make -k target=install all