Math::Libgsl::Polynomial - An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Polynomials.
use Math::Libgsl::Raw::Polynomial :ALL;
use Math::Libgsl::Polynomial :ALL;
Math::Libgsl provides an interface to polynomial evaluation in libgsl, the GNU Scientific Library.
Math::Libgsl::Polynomial makes these tags available:
Evaluates a polynomial with real coefficients for the real variable x.
my @c = 1, 2, 3;
say poly-eval(@c, 10); # prints 321
This function evaluates a polynomial and its derivatives. The output array contains the values of dⁿP(x)/dxⁿ for the specified value of x starting with n = 0.
This function computes a divided-difference representation of the interpolating polynomial for the points (xa, ya) and evaluates the polynomial for each point x.
This function converts the divided-difference representation of a polynomial to a Taylor expansion and evaluates the Taylor coefficients about the point x.
sub poly-dd-hermite(Positional $xa, Positional $ya, Positional $dya, Positional $x --> List) is export(:divdiff)
This function computes a divided-difference representation of the interpolating Hermite polynomial for the points (xa, ya) and evaluates the polynomial for each point x.
This function finds the real roots of the quadratic equation ax² + bx + c = 0. It returns a list of values: the number of the real roots found and zero, one or two roots; if present the roots are sorted in ascending order.
sub poly-complex-solve-quadratic(Num(Cool) $a, Num(Cool) $b, Num(Cool) $c --> List) is export(:quad)
This function finds the complex roots of the quadratic equation ax² + bx + c = 0. It returns a list of values: the number of the real roots found and zero, one or two roots. The root are returned as Raku Complex values.
This function finds the real roots of the cubic equation x³ + ax² + bx + c = 0. It returns a list of values: the number of the real roots found and one or three roots; the roots are sorted in ascending order.
This function finds the complex roots of the cubic equation x³ + ax² + bx + c = 0. The number of complex roots is returned (always three); the roots are returned in ascending order, sorted first by their real components and then by their imaginary components. The root are returned as Raku Complex values.
This function computes the roots of the general polynomial a₀ + a₁x + a₂x² + … + aₙ₋₁xⁿ⁻¹ The root are returned as Raku Complex values.
For more details on libgsl see The excellent C Library manual is available here, or here in PDF format.
This module requires the libgsl library to be installed. Please follow the instructions below based on your platform:
sudo apt install libgsl23 libgsl-dev libgslcblas0
That command will install libgslcblas0 as well, since it's used by the GSL.
libgsl23 and libgslcblas0 have a missing symbol on Ubuntu 18.04. I solved the issue installing the Debian Buster version of those three libraries:
To install it using zef (a module management tool):
$ zef install Math::Libgsl::Polynomial
Fernando Santagata
Copyright 2020 Fernando Santagata
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.