Creates HTML Metrics report based on robotframework output.xml.
- Sample Report link
- What's new in _v3.1.2 link
- Source Code used to parse output.xml in metrics report link
- Read output.xml file using robotframework API
- Get Suite, Test Case , Keyword , Status and Elapsed time values
- Convert data to html report using Beautifulsoup
Install robotmetrics
Case 1: Using pip
pip install robotframework-metrics==3.1.2
Case 2: Using (clone project and run command within root)
python install
Execute robotmetrics command to generate report
Case 1: No change in output.xml, log.html file name's and user is in same folder
Case 2: Change in output.xml, log.html file name's And .xml and .html files are under 'Result' folder
robotmetrics --inputpath ./Result/ --output "output1.xml" --log "log1.html"
robotframework-metrics can parse multiple xmls at a time. Following is the command
robotmetrics --inputpath ./Result/ --output "output1.xml,output2.xml" --log "log1.html"
For more info on command line options use:
robotmetrics --help
RobotFramework Metrics Report metric-timestamp.html file will be created in current folder |
if specified
Specify Logo in Robotframework metrics:
Custom Logo : Customize your logo by using --logo command line option
--logo "https://mycompany/logo.jpg"
- Use command line options to ignore library keywords
--ignore "Collections,Selenium2Library"
- In Metric report, keywords with type value 'for' and 'foritem' are ignored
- Following library keywords are ignored in Metrics Report
ignore_library = [ 'BuiltIn', 'SeleniumLibrary', 'String', 'Collections', 'DateTime', ]
Execute robotmetrics command after suite or test execution as follows:
Create .bat (or) .sh file with following snippet
robot test.robot && robotmetrics [:options]
&& is used to execute multiple command's in .bat file
Modify robotmetrics command as required and execute .bat file
Robotframework metrics will be created after execution
*Performance Improvement (Beta) *
- Do you feel robotmetrics command taking more time to capture metrics? Robotframework-metrics have ability to process metrics in parallel using gevent (which helps in saving time)
- Step 1: Install gevent
- Step 2: Execute robotmetrics command
Thanks for using robotframework-metrics!
- What is your opinion of this report?
- What’s the feature I should add?
If you have any questions / suggestions / comments on the report, please feel free to reach me at
- Email:
- Slack:
- LinkedIn:
- Twitter:
- Robotframework link
- Stackoverflow link
- Google charts link
- DataTable link
- BeautifulSoup link
- Jquery | JavaScript link
- Bootstrap link
- Icons8 link
- FontAwesome link
Note: Robotframework-metrics uses above open source libraries for generating report.
Special Thanks To:
Pekka Klarck [Author of robotframework]
- Contributed source to get 'Test Case' name from keyword
- Suggested to use robotframework api to parse output.xml content
- Contributed source to use command line options for report
- Made robotmetrics installable (pip)
- Contributed source to improve performance
- Contributed source to use ArgParser
- Contributed source to provide a human readable error if output.xml does not exist
- Contributed source to parse multiple xml's
- Fixed distorted image