This package is currently under active development.
You can install this package with composer: composer require froozeify/sqlite-backup-bundle --dev
For the moment, no symfony recipes has been created.
You must create a froozeify_sqlite_backup.yml
in your package config directory (/config/packages
Here is a reference configuration file:
# Full path to your original sqlite file
original_file: '%kernel.project_dir%/var/data.db'
# Full path where the backup of your original file must be saved
backup_file: '%kernel.project_dir%/var/bk-data.db'
php bin/console froozeify:sqlite:backup [<output>]
: Optional allow you to change your copied file location and name
php bin/console froozeify:sqlite:restore [<input>]
: Optional allow you to change your source backup file path
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).