A configuration library by Draylar and Frqnny
ΩConfig is a hyper-minimal config library based on Auto Config. It aims to achieve the following goals:
- Be lightweight (<25 KB) for JIJ usage
- Exceedingly simple design & API for developers
- Intuition and usability for players
- Bonus annotations for advanced config options (syncing values)
This is a fork of the original Omega Config, built for use in architectury mods by Frqnny and thus depends on Architectury API. However, it is available for anyone. If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to reach out to my discord: https://discord.gg/uvqTeQzQXK
The following is an example of a simple ΩConfig setup:
public class TestConfig implements Config {
@Comment(value = "Hello!")
boolean value = false;
@Comment(value = "This value will sync to the client!")
boolean syncableValue = false;
public String getFileName() {
return "test-config";
public class MyModInitializer {
public static final TestConfig CONFIG = OmegaConfig.register(TestConfig.class);
public void onInitialize() {
System.out.printf("Config value: %s%n", CONFIG.value);
To use Omega Config, you will have to add it to your build.gradle file. Until Frqnny finds a maven server to host their builds, this library uses Github Packages and requires you to use your github credentials.
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/frqnny/omega-config-architectury")
credentials {
username = project.findProperty("gpr.user") ?: System.getenv("USERNAME")
password = project.findProperty("gpr.key") ?: System.getenv("TOKEN")
// 1.20.6 : 1.5.0
// 1.21 : 1.5.1
dependencies {
//for common module (architectury)
modImplementation "io.github.frqnny:omegaconfig-common:${project.omega_config_version}"
//for fabric module
modImplementation include("io.github.frqnny:omegaconfig-fabric:${project.omega_config_version}")
//for neoforge module
modImplementation include("io.github.frqnny:omegaconfig-neoforge:${project.omega_config_version}")
Easy - you now have a bundled configuration library. Use the examples in the first section to implement your config.
ΩConfig provides several utility methods for developers.
save() - saves a modified configuration instance to disk
MyModInitializer.CONFIG.value = false;
MyModInitializer.CONFIG.save(); // writes the new value to disk
- configuration options marked with this annotation will automatically sync to the client when they join a server.
You can use this on a class to sync the entire config file to the client. Overriding onConfigSynced
allows you to implement custom logic after the config is synchronized to the client.
ΩConfig is available under MIT. Omega Config will bundle the MIT license inside the jar you pull as a dependency, which means you can distribute it as a bundled dependency without any additional steps.