This tool provides a performant technique to create large SAP HANA databases (> 1TBs) with random data for further benchmarking. Inspired by &
- SAP HANA database installation
- OS access on HDB host via root as well as hdbadm user
- NodeJS >= 8.X installed on HDB host (as root), e.g. for SLES see below
$ sudo -i
$ zypper addrepo node10
$ zypper refresh
$ zypper install nodejs10
$ node -v
- Existing SAP HANA schema
- Existing SAP HANA user - to create tables and allow the execution of SQL commands
- Disabled CSV Import Path Filter: Configuration -> indexserver.ini -> import_export -> enable_csv_import_path_filter -> false. Can also be done via SQL:
ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ('indexserver.ini', 'database') SET ('import_export', 'enable_csv_import_path_filter') = 'false' WITH RECONFIGURE;
- Clone code repository or download & unpack to an arbitary folder on the HDB host
- Check execution rights and owner (should be hdbadm e.g. chown -R hanadbdataload hdbadm:sapsys)
Execute as hdbadm!
Deploy & Install via GIT
$ git clone
$ cd hanadbdataload
$ npm config set @sap:registry
$ npm install
Execute as hdbadm!
Generate CSV
$ node generator.js
Optionally specify amount of rows, default 1M = 1000000
$ node generator.js --rows 100000000
AWS EC2 r4.4xlarge (16 cores, 122GB memory, SSD)
Throughput 1M rows (46MB) => 10.47 MB/s 239180.18 rows/s Throughput 10M rows (460MB) => 10.84 MB/s 247556.62 rows/s Throughput 100M rows (4.5GB) => 10.94 MB/s 250000 rows/s
@ avg. 6% CPU Util
Execute as hdbadm!
Insert into HANA DB
$ node index.js --user <USER> --pw <PW>
Optional parameters
$ node index.js --user <USER> --pw <PW> --it 1 --schema MYSCHEMA --host localhost --port 30015 --db HDB --tablePrefix GEN
it = number of iterations / tables, default 1
On a single-node Medium appliance with 40 cores, you should expect around 275MB/sec of throughput into HANA.
AWS EC2 r4.4xlarge (16 cores, 122GB memory, SSD) => Goal 100 MB/s
Throughput 10M rows (460MB) => 28.25 MB/s 645343.03 rows/s Throughput 100M rows (4.5GB) => 28.29 MB/s 646344.41 rows/s Throughput 1B rows (45GB) => ... (--it 10)
(Merge uses 10% CPU only) 103s insert only anstatt 168s
Copyright (c) 2019 Marcel Törpe