Notes Spring Boot REST Service
- Clone the repository
- Navigate inside the notes directory:
cd notes
- Build the executable Spring Boot jar:
gradle build
- Navigate to the libs directory:
cd build/libs
- Execute the Spring Boot jar:
java -jar note-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Open Postman (or preferred REST API endpoint testing tool)
- Perform a GET request to the following URL: localhost:8080/api/notes
- Perform a POST request to the same above URL with JSON body:
"body": "Pick up milk:
- Perform several other POST request using above JSON format
- Perform the following GET request: localhost:8080/api/notes/2
- Perform the following GET request: localhost:8080/api/notes/300 (Should return a not found message)
- Peform the following GET request: localhost:8080/api/notes?query=milk
- (Bonus): Also has the ability to update and delete notes