SGDOT is a Package created to help design and optimize the network topology for swarm-grids. It uses satellite imagery of villages to be electrified and enables designing and optimizing a grid with a tree-star configuration.
The grids module containes the Grid class. A grid essentially contains two DataFrames representing the nodes and the links composing the network as well as a set of attributes representing the price of the grid's components. The nodes represent houses to be connected to the grid and the links represent wires connecting pairs of houses together. There is a price associated with each link and node. The price of a Grid is the sum of the prices of each nodes and links.
The tools sub-package contains the grid_optimizer, grid_visualizer, io and plot modules.
- The grid_optimizer modules encapsulates GridOptimizer class which contains methods for optimizing a Grid object.
- The io module contains functions to handle files.
- The plot module enables to display the plot of the results of the optimizations