I was born in 94 at Bakırköy, Istanbul and raised in Istanbul too. I went to BilgeAdam's Software and Database Expertise program when I was a student at high school and received an outstanding achievement certificate at the end. I've graduated from Ahmet Yesevi University's Computer Programming associate program later down the line.
I'm mainly designing and developing services using .NET and C#. Microsoft Azure is the cloud provider that I'm most comfortable with but I also had the chance to try and dabble with AWS for a while. For CI/CD stuff, I'm used to Azure DevOps, but I also know GitHub Actions enough to run my blog.
- 🌍 I'm based in Istanbul
- 🌐 My website is at fthdgn.com
- ✉️ You can contact me at fth.dgn@outlook.com
My GitHub Stats