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Webserv 구현 사항

  • Config File
  • Auto Index
  • Redirections (301, 302)
  • HTTP/1.1 Header
    • Accept-Charsets
    • Accept-Language
    • Allow
    • Authorization
    • Content-Lanugage
    • Content-Length
    • Content-Location
    • Content-Type
    • Date
    • Host
    • Last-Modified
    • Location
    • Referer
    • Retry-After
    • Server
    • Transfer-Encoding
    • User-Agent
    • WWW-Authenticate
  • 세부 구현 내용

성능 측정


{       "transactions":                      2636589,
        "availability":                       100.00,
        "elapsed_time":                       883.76,
        "data_transferred":                   631.13,
        "response_time":                        0.00,
        "transaction_rate":                  2983.38,
        "throughput":                           0.71,
        "concurrency":                          3.89,
        "successful_transactions":           2636589,
        "failed_transactions":                     0,
        "longest_transaction":                107.31,
        "shortest_transaction":                 0.00
  • tester 11분 (마지막 testcase 10분)
Test GET http://localhost:1234/
Test POST http://localhost:1234/ with a size of 0
Test HEAD http://localhost:1234/
Test GET http://localhost:1234/directory
Test GET http://localhost:1234/directory/youpi.bad_extension
Test GET http://localhost:1234/directory/youpi.bla
Test GET Expected 404 on http://localhost:1234/directory/oulalala
Test GET http://localhost:1234/directory/nop
Test GET http://localhost:1234/directory/nop/
Test GET http://localhost:1234/directory/nop/other.pouic
Test GET Expected 404 on http://localhost:1234/directory/nop/other.pouac
Test GET Expected 404 on http://localhost:1234/directory/Yeah
Test GET http://localhost:1234/directory/Yeah/not_happy.bad_extension
Test Put http://localhost:1234/put_test/file_should_exist_after with a size of 1000
Test Put http://localhost:1234/put_test/file_should_exist_after with a size of 10000000
Test POST http://localhost:1234/directory/youpi.bla with a size of 100000000
Test POST http://localhost:1234/directory/youpla.bla with a size of 100000000
Test POST http://localhost:1234/directory/youpi.bla with a size of 100000 with special headers
Test POST http://localhost:1234/post_body with a size of 0
Test POST http://localhost:1234/post_body with a size of 100
Test POST http://localhost:1234/post_body with a size of 200
Test POST http://localhost:1234/post_body with a size of 101
Test multiple workers(5) doing multiple times(15): GET on /
Test multiple workers(20) doing multiple times(5000): GET on /
Test multiple workers(128) doing multiple times(50): GET on /directory/nop
Test multiple workers(20) doing multiple times(5): Put on /put_test/multiple_same with size 1000000
Test multiple workers(20) doing multiple times(5): Post on /directory/youpi.bla with size 100000000


http/1.1 multiplexing webserver






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