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The V1 API is officially deprecated as of March 31, 2020.

As of Sep 2020, if you are still using API V1, you are in-fact accessing V2. The V2 API is mostly backwards compatible with the V1 API.

Fulfil IO Python Client

Documentation Status

Fulfil REST API Client in Python


  • Ability to call models


pip install fulfil_client


from fulfil_client import Client

client = Client('<subdomain>', '<api_key>')

Product = client.model('product.product')

# find products
some_products = Product.find()

# find products that have a name similar to iphone
iphones = Product.find(['name', 'ilike', 'iphone'])


Contact can have multiple addresses and contact mechanisms i.e. phone, email.

from fulfil_client import Client
client = Client('<subdomain>', '<api_key>')

Contact = client.model('')
Country = client.model('')
Subdivision = client.model('country.subdivision')

country_usa, = Country.find([('code', '=', 'US')])
state_california, = Subdivision.find([('code', '=', 'US-CA')])

# Creating a contact with address and contact mechanisms
contact, = Contact.create([{
    'name': 'Jon Doe',
    'addresses': [('create', [{
        'name': 'Jone Doe Apartment',
        'street': '9805 Kaiden Grove',
        'city': 'New Leland',
        'zip': '57726',
        'country': country_usa['id'],
        'subdivision': state_california['id']
    'contact_mechanisms': [('create', [{
        'type': 'phone',
        'value': '243243234'
    }, {
        'email': 'email',
        'value': ''
print contact

# Searching for a contact
contact, = Contact.find([('name', '=', 'Jon Doe')])
print contact

# Get a contact by ID
contact = Contact.get(contact['id'])
print contact


Products are grouped by templates, which have common information shared by products a.k.a. variants.

from decimal import Decimal

# Creating a Product Template
Template = client.model('product.template')

iphone, = Template.create([{
    'name': 'iPhone',
    'account_category': True,

# Creating products
Product = client.model('product.product')
iphone6, = Product.create([{
    'template': iphone['id'],
    'variant_name': 'iPhone 6',
    'code': 'IPHONE-6',
    'list_price': Decimal('699'),
    'cost_price': Decimal('599'),

# Another variation
iphone6s, = Product.create([{
    'template': iphone['id'],
    'variant_name': 'iPhone 6S',
    'code': 'IPHONE-6S',
    'list_price': Decimal('899'),
    'cost_price': Decimal('699'),


contact = Contact.get(contact['id'])
iphone6 = Product.get(iphone6['id'])
iphone6s = Product.get(iphone6s['id'])

# Creating a Sale
Sale = client.model('')
sale, = Sale.create([{
    'party': contact['id'],
    'shipment_address': contact['addresses'][0],
    'invoice_address': contact['addresses'][0],
    'lines': [('create', [{
        'product': iphone6['id'],
        'description': iphone6['rec_name'],
        'unit': iphone6['default_uom'],
        'unit_price': iphone6['list_price'],
        'quantity': 3
    }, {
        'product': iphone6s['id'],
        'description': iphone6s['rec_name'],
        'unit': iphone6['default_uom'],
        'unit_price': iphone6s['list_price'],
        'quantity': 1

Fetching an interactive report (sales by month)

The report data (including rendering) information can be fetched over the API.

Below is the example code to fetch sales by month report.

report = client.interactive_report('sales_by_month.ireport')
data = report.execute(start_date=date(2017,1,1), end_date=date(2017, 12,1))

Using Session Auth

from fulfil_client import Client, SessionAuth

client = Client('subdomain')
user_id, session = client.login('username', 'password')
client.set_auth(SessionAuth(user_id, session))

Using Bearer Auth

from fulfil_client import Client, BearerAuth

client = Client('subdomain')

Using OAuth Session

Flask example

from fulfil_client.oauth import Session
from fulfil_client import Client, BearerAuth

fulfil_session = Session('localhost')  # Provide subdomain

def index():
    callback_url = url_for('authorized')
    if 'oauth_token' not in session:
        authorization_url, state = fulfil_session.create_authorization_url(
            redirect_uri=callback_url, scope=['user_session']
        session['oauth_state'] = state
        return redirect(authorization_url)
    client = Client('subdomain')
    Party = client.model('')
    return jsonify(Party.find())

def authorized():
    """Callback route to fetch access token from grant code
    token = fulfil_session.get_token(code=request.args.get('code'))
    session['oauth_token'] = token
    return jsonify(oauth_token=token)

Verify Webhooks

There is a convenience function that can verify the webhooks originating from Fulfil for you.

from fulfil_client import verify_webhook

@app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])
def webhook():
   data = flask.request.get_data()
   verified = verify_webhook(
      secret,     # This should be saved somewhere

   if not verified:


The libary also provides a mocking function powered by the mock library of python.

For example, if you want to test the function below

def api_calling_method():
    client = fulfil_client.Client('apple', 'apples-api-key')
    Product = client.model('product.product')
    products = Product.search_read_all([], None, ['id'])
        [p['id'] for p in products],
        {'active': False}
    return client

Then the test case can mock the API call

def test_mock_1():
    with MockFulfil('fulfil_client.Client') as mocked_fulfil:
        Product = mocked_fulfil.model('product.product')
        # Set the return value of the search call without
        # hitting the server.
        Product.search_read_all.return_value = [
            {'id': 1},
            {'id': 2},
            {'id': 3},

        # Call the function

        # Now assert
        Product.search_read_all.assert_called_with([], None, ['id'])
            [1, 2, 3], {'active': False}

The Product object returned is a mock.Mock object and supports all of the assertions supported by python Mock objects.


Fulfil.IO Inc.