Thinkful ( Second Capstone Project Portfolio Tracker is a interactive fullstack web app that helps users keep track of their different funds and asset classes. It allows them see a current snapshot of how their portfolio is performing.
Portfolio Tracker is for the individual investor to keep track of all their assets in one place. Investments may be in different accounts such as a employer sponsored plan, a Roth IRA, a taxable account, CDs, or money market account. This will help them see the current state of their investments and the user will be better informed on which assets need adjustment.
As a user I want be able to signup for Portfolio Tracker. As a User I want be able to log into Portfolio Tracker. As a User I want be able enter new asset information including fund names, target percentage, and price. As a User I should be able view a percentage breakdown of my portfolio. As a User I should be able view a piechart representing my portfolio.
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The user will individually add each asset including the name, current value, and target percentage that the user wants to maintain. After the target values add up to 100% they will be able to analyze their portofoio with the current percentage values side by side with target percentages. A pie chart will generate to help visualize each slice the asset takes up in the portfolio.
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- mLab database
- Mocha and Chai
This app is responsive and optimized for desktop and mobile use.