Proxies Docker's socket over TLS.
Docker daemon has essentially this same already implemented, but I cannot be bothered to configure that for CoreOS and dev VMs.
With this I can publish this proxy as a container and have total control over the TLS parameters.
Deploy this container as a Swarm service (a bare container will also suffice), with ENV var: SERVERCERT_KEY
The content is base64 encoded version of server.key
You probably need this as a Swarm service, if you have a multi-node cluster, because some apps need to connect to manager nodes (see placement contstraint).
$ docker service create \
--name dockersockproxy \
--constraint node.role==manager \
--publish 4431:4431 \
--mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock \
--network fn61 \
Tailscale uses CGNAT IP prefix, i.e.
If you want to only listen on that interface, you can run the container with --addr=
(of course you can change port if you want). We'll pick the first matching interface with matching
IP assigned from the prefix you specified.
NOTE: In this case you're likely needing to use host network namespace (and remove port mapping) with $ docker run ...