This repository hosts code to authenticate users via SWITCHaai for the leihs.
The resulting service is used as an external authentication-system, see, of leihs.
We recommend to install this authentication system on dedicated host accessible under a dedicated hostname via HTTPS. It is in theory possible to install this service on the same machine which runs Leihs, but neither the automated deployment supplied with leihs nor the one supplied with this software is prepared for this case.
Install and set up Switch AAI and register application, see
This project comes with deployment recipes for ansible.
We recommend to add this repository as an git submodule to the inventory of your leihs installation. This inventory should also contain leihs itself as an submodule.
An installation script, say located in bin/aai-auth-deploy
from the top
of your inventory directory could look like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
INVENTORY_DIR="$(cd -- "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")" ; cd .. > /dev/null 2>&1 && pwd -P)"
${INVENTORY_DIR}/leihs/deploy/bin/ansible-playbook \
${INVENTORY_DIR}/leihs-switchaai-shibboleth-auth/deploy/deploy_play.yml $@
Install ruby version >= 2.7.2, e.g. with ruby-install.
Export the path, e.g. with
export PATH=~/.rubies/ruby-2.7.2/bin:$PATH
Install dependencies
Start the server
bundle exec passenger start --port 4000
Set up (per request) automatic Reloading (optional)
touch tmp/always_restart.txt
curl http://localhost:4000/debug
bundle exec pry-remote
in a separate terminal.