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DEPRECATED. Please use fusion-plugin-apollo instead


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This plugin connects GraphQL schema to your Fusion.js server, allowing you to host a web server and graphql endpoint within the same Fusion.js project. This is most useful when used with fusion-apollo and fusion-apollo-universal-client.

Table of contents


yarn add fusion-plugin-apollo-server


To use the apollo server create a schema. The schema can be provided using the GraphQLSchemaToken from fusion-apollo. See the Apollo Documentation for how to generate a schema.

import ApolloServer, {ApolloServerEndpointToken} from 'fusion-plugin-apollo-server';
import {GraphQLSchemaToken} from 'fusion-apollo';
import {makeExecutableSchema} from 'graphql-tools';

export default () => {
  app.register(ApolloServerEndpointToken, '/graphql'); // optional - /graphql is the default
  app.register(GraphQLSchemaToken, makeExecutableSchema(...));


Registration API

import {ApolloServerEndpointToken} from 'fusion-plugin-apollo-server';

This should be registered to a string representing the desired GraphQL endpoint. If using fusion-apollo-universal-client, this will likely be the same value as `ApolloClientEndpointToken.

import {ApolloServerFormatFunctionToken} from 'fusion-plugin-apollo-server';

Register function to format errors from resolvers. Could be used for logging.


This can be used to transform the koa context into an apollo context.

import {ApolloContextToken} from 'fusion-apollo';

app.register(ApolloContextToken, ctx => {
  return {
    httpContext: ctx,
    otherContext: SOMEOHTERCONTEXT