A project by Team Clueless for DECO3801 Design Computing Studio 3 - Build.
EcoAssist is a web application that aims to help teachers educate their students about the environment.
- Teachers can assign environment-related tasks for students to complete.
- Students can complete these tasks, be awarded points, and ranked in a class leaderboard.
- Students can learn background information about the environment.
- Teachers can award badges for specific achievements.
- Benjamin Costello (43931044)
- Sean Lim Han Ming (45054965)
- Aghnia Putri Prawira (45610240)
- Rizki Maulana Rahmadi (45616747)
- Alexander Bayusuto Waanegkirtyo (45616738)
- Jordan Monroe (44785280)
To run locally:
$ docker-compose up -d --build
$ docker-compose down --rmi all && docker-compose up -d --build
Try it on: http://localhost:5000
or on Windows, get your docker machine ip from:
$ docker-machine ip
Then open: http://your_docker_machine_ip:5000
To connect to local postgresql database:
$ docker-compose exec db psql --username=team_clueless --dbname=team_clueless_dev
If you find this error standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "no such file or directory"
Try checking the line ending type of the file entrypoint.sh
If type is CRLF, change to LF.