Releases: fxliang/weasel
Personal Build
Bug Fixes
- installer: avoid files are deleted on system reboot after reinstallation (rime#1520) #1520 (fxliang)
Code Refactoring
- WeaselUI: DirectWriteResources (fxliang)
- WeaselUI: update directwrite operation calls. (fxliang)
- RimeWithWeasel: simplify configuration parsing (fxliang)
Continuous Integration
- create personal build on pb branch (fxliang)
Nightly Build
最新构建包在这里,下载对应的 artifact压缩包(你需要有GitHub账号登陆),里面有安装文件
后续应该不太会怎么做release,直接在主仓github action下更新吧
安装前建议先关闭相关应用程序 ,备份关键数据,切换到其他输入法,安装后建议重新登陆一下系统或者重启系统。
如果您在原厂0.14.3版本应用下,样式使用了带透明度描述的颜色数值(0x后有大于6个十六进制数值),如0x7fffffff, 对应的颜色潜在会产生异常,这个是原厂对颜色值未做异常处理产生
抛弃GDI绘制文字,仅支持Windows 8.1或以上版本系统. 主要原因:1)GDI文字绘制无法支持精细的字体回退控制,2)实现圆角窗口所需 layeredwindow 下GDI绘制文字效率极低(每次_TextOut调用就要进行一次图片alpha运算和图像复制…);
字体支持设置字重,字形风格 ,在字体设置的第一个分组定义、不区分大小写,在字体支持的情况下最多16种字重,3种字形风格
彩色字体支持,Windows 10 周年构建版之前的系统,需要使用COLR格式的彩色字体,之后的版本可使用SVG字体
Windows 10或者Windows 11(构建版本不大于22000)下可使能窗口背景模糊(毛玻璃效果),可在style/blur_window中设定
或者preset_color_schemes/xxx/blur_window 设置, 优先后者(方便配色分组组合),后者设置会覆盖前者的设置;当设置窗口模糊时,shadow_color 失效(透明),背景色alpha如大于0x7f则自动设置为0x7f. 如果某版本系统下失效,责任在于MS -
支持半透明颜色 格式 0xaabbggbb,旧配置中的0xbbggrr会被解析成0xffbbggrr
新增在配色中设定颜色顺序格式(只影响对应的配色组),方便在vscode 之类的编辑器下预览颜色或从其他取色软件中获取取色值,默认abgr(与旧样式兼容,顺序0xaabbggrr),可选argb/rgba(小写), 分别对应格式顺序0xaarrggbb和0xrrggbbaa。
0xabc(根据颜色格式定义展开成0xffaabbcc或者0xaabbccff) 0xabcd(展开成0xaabbccdd) 0xaabbcc(根据颜色格式定义展开成0xffaabbcc或者0xaabbccff), 0xaabbccdd
阴影特性,编码/高亮候选/普通候选/输入窗口 均可设置独立阴影色,可定义dropshadow偏置距离,默认透明不绘制,全屏下不绘制。
重构布局相关计算,新增竖直文字布局,可定义流向(flow direction),可定义是否超长换行显示
margin_x 或者 margin_y设置负值时,隐藏输入窗口,不影响方案选单/tips的显示
新增一个preedit_type : preview_all, 可配合隐藏窗口 和inine_preedit 使用
新增参数,实现类似Windows 11 系统自带输入法的高亮提示标记,标记符号可自定义,默认无内容,透明
新增特性,支持浅色主题深色主题切换自动响应 -
模拟发送数字键实现鼠标点击选词,非数字选词未确认;支持鼠标滚轮翻页;支持鼠标点击翻页标识翻页,需 style/inline_preedit: false 且指定上翻下翻配色均非透明,见文末prevpage_color和nextpage_color处;
github 自动构建,使用librime 1.8.5,修复上游文件路径变化引起的构建失败问题
- 候选文字过长时崩溃
- 使用较新的librime(如librime 1.7.3)时,如果用户目录下没有default.custom.yaml或者weasel.custom.yaml的情况下设定窗口无法弹出
- 全局style/inline_preedit: false, 方案style/inline_preedit: true时,每次部署结束或重启算法服务可能会引起inline_preedit后有异常表现
- 减少ui对象重复销毁和创建,一个session只创建一次
- 减少窗口重绘次数降低闪烁
- 多屏DPI变化时自适应大小调整
#define USE_BLUR_UNDER_WINDOWS10 // 毛玻璃特性
#define USE_HILITE_MARK // 高亮候选标识特性
#define USE_CANDIDATE_BORDER // 候选border特性
#define USE_MOUSE_EVENTS // 鼠标事件特性
//#define USE_THEME_DARK // 使用暗色主题响应,目前未实现全自动响应,暂默认禁用
//#define CLIP_SHADOW_UNDER_BACK_COLOR // 选择是否剪裁前景色下的阴影
//#define USE_MOUSE_HOVER // 鼠标悬停特性
//#define USE_SHARP_COLOR_CODE // color 支持css风格定义特性 "#aabbggrr"
#define USE_PAGER_MARK // 翻页提示标识特性
# all font can be set with range
# spaces around , and : will be trimmed.
# font name must be the first in every font set unit.
# start code point must before last code point, in HEX, if not set, range [0, 0x10ffff]
# to define start and end point like this
# fontname : start_code_point : end_code_point
# to define start code point only like this
# fontname : start_code_point
# to define end code point only like this
# fontname : : end_code_point
# *** font weight / style must be set in the first font set unit, with [: weight_set] [:style_set]
# e.g.,
# style/font_face: "Segoe UI Emoji : 20 : 39 : bold : italic , Segoe UI Emoji:1f51f:1f51f, Noto Color Emoji SVG:80, Arial:600:6ff, Segoe UI Emoji:80, LXGW Wenkai Narrow"
# font weight, you should check if your font support that weight
# weight(defalt normal if not set, case insensitive):
# thin extra_light ultra_light light semi_light medium demi_bold semi_bold bold extra_bold ultra_bold black heavy extra_black ultra_black normal
# style(defalt normal if not set, case insensitive):
# italic oblique normal
# make main font after some symbol fonts, to ensure symbol show in the right font, if you want specify the symbol font
style/font_face: "Segoe UI Emoji:20:39, Segoe UI Emoji:1f51f:1f51f, Noto Color Emoji SVG:80, Arial:600:6ff, Segoe UI Emoji:80, LXGW Wenkai Narrow"
style/label_font_face: "Segoe UI Emoji:20:39, Segoe UI Emoji:1f51f:1f51f, Noto Color Emoji SVG:80, Arial:600:6ff, Segoe UI Emoji:80, LXGW Wenkai Narrow"
style/comment_font_face: "Segoe UI Emoji:20:39, Segoe UI Emoji:1f51f:1f51f, Noto Color Emoji SVG:80, Arial:600:6ff, Segoe UI Emoji:80, LXGW Wenkai Narrow"
style/label_font_point: 14 # label font point
style/comment_font_point: 14 # comment font point
style/blur_window: false # 仅支持 windows 10 or windows 11 (build number <= 22000),其余未测试;
# seting it up in color scheme would be a better option, more portable. it will disable shadow_color and make back_color alpha between 01~7f
style/layout/align_type: center # options: top, center, bottom , for the situation when label_font_point, font_point, comment_font_point not the same.
# for vertical text layout, 'top' redirect to the direction where your preedit is.
style/vertical_text: false # set true to use vertical text layout,
style/vertical_text_left_to_right: false # flow direction setting for vertical text layout
style/vertical_text_with_wrap: false # vertical text layout with wrap-whole-candidate feature, work with style/vertical_text: true and style/layout/max_height: not_zero_value
style/mark_text: "" # mark text in front of highlighted candidate's label, to make view like windows 11 ime style. if you want this work, mark_text must not be empty and hilited_mark_color must not be transparent
#style/color_scheme_dark: lost_temple # color theme for system dark theme, not very good now, feature default disabled
style/layout/max_width: 0 # max window width for horizontal layout, set 0 to disable max width; strings over this value will wrap to next row, candidates's right over this value will be turn to next row(when horizontal layout). if over length, multi row for candidates
style/layout/max_height: 0 # max window height for vertical text layout with wrap, set 0 to disable max height; string over this value will wrap, candidate's bottom over this value will be turn to next column(when vertical_text_with_wrap)
style/layout/shadow_radius: 0 # shadow radius, blur level for shadow, should be a integer not too large, maybe 5 to 10 is ok enough. set 0 to disable shadow feature
style/layout/shadow_offset_x: 4 #drop shadow offset x axis, if shadow_offset_x and shadow_offset_y both 0, round shadow. positive to dropshadow right, negative to dropshadow left. similar does shadow_offset_y
style/layout/shadow_offset_y: 4
style/layout/corner_radius: 4 # corner radius of candidate window
#style/layout/type: vertical # add option vertical_text, defalt not set
style/preedit_type: composition # new option preview_all
#preset_color_schemes/xxx/color_format: rgba #defalt not set, rgba or argb optional
preset_color_schemes/xxx/hilited_mark_color: 0x00000000 #defalt transparent
preset_color_schemes/xxx/hilited_shadow_color: 0x00000000 #defalt transparent
preset_color_schemes/xxx/shadow_color: 0x00000000 #defalt transparent
preset_color_schemes/xxx/candidate_back_color: 0x00000000 #defalt transparent
preset_color_schemes/xxx/candidate_shadow_color: 0x00000000 #defalt transparent
preset_color_schemes/xxx/candidate_border_color: 0x00000000 #defalt transparent
preset_color_schemes/xxx/hilited_candidate_shadow_color: 0x00000000 #defalt transparent
preset_color_schemes/xxx/hilited_candidate_border_color: 0x00000000 #defalt transparent
preset_color_schemes/xxx/prevpage_color: 0x00000000 #default transparent
preset_color_schemes/xxx/nextpage_color: 0x00000000 #default transparent
# if both prevpage_color and nextpage_color not transparent, pager mark button will be shown when no inline_preedit
schema/icon: schema_ico.ico #icon file under user dir or program data dir. it should be set in schema custom files,e.g.,
# schema/icon: 09wubi.ico