Releases: fyndiq/fyndiq_helpers
Releases · fyndiq/fyndiq_helpers
Add unit conversion of price field dict
Merge pull request #27 from fyndiq/update-tag Bump version
Add method indata validator decorator
Merge pull request #21 from fyndiq/update_versions Update version to 0.2.1
New moneyfields
We have updated the money field representation according to the adr (
!!!! This change could break backwards compatibility with avro schemas etc !!!
Change default loglevels for libraries
The default loglevel for libraries eventsourcing_helpers, confluent_kafka_helpers and raven is set to WARNING
- Improved
validation invalidate_payload
- Ignored datadog errors. These always occur when no datadog agent is present (locally for example).
Added default log_config
Content type validation in validate_payload decorator
decorator will check now if the request has application/json
Optional ignore extra fields in validation
When you use the validate_payload decorator, you should be able to ignore extra fields, when you don't need to validate them.
@validate_payload(schema, allow_unknown_fields=True)