Offline Wiktionary is an experiment to make MediaWiki exports available for offline reading.
Run ./gradlew run
to start the regular JavaFX based application.
To run the Fuzzer call ./gradlew runFuzzer --args 'pathToIndex [pathToArchive]'
The Fuzzer is a small application that tries to parse all entries found in an
index file from a given archive. Entries that can't be parsed are written to
in the format of an index file. Thus allowing you to
only parse failed entries for subsequent invocations.
Archive and index are expected to be compressed using BZIP2.
Part of the project implements a PEG-based parser to convert MediaWiki markup to tokens that are then used to style the page content in the app. Belows is the implemented grammar that supports only a tiny subset:
Markup <- Headline / Indent / Italic / TextContent
TextContent <- Macro / Link / Text*
Italic <- '\'\'' TextContent+ '\'\''
Headline <- Headline2Start TextContent+ Headline2End
HeadlineStart <- '=' '='+
HeadlineEnd <- Headline2Start
Macro <- MacroStart Text* MacroEnd
MacroStart <- '{{'
MacroEnd <- '}}'
Link <- LinkStart LinkText ('|' LinkText)? LinkEnd (! ' ' & utf-8 symbol)?
LinkStart <- '[['
LinkEnd <- ']]'
LinkText <- !'|' & !LinkEnd & utf-8 symbol
Indent <- ':'+ TextContent
Text <- (!MacroStart & !MacroEnd
& !HeadlineStart & !HeadlineEnd
& !LinkStart & !LinkEnd) & utf-8 symbol