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Copyright (c) 2015 Guilherme Andrade

Version: 1.0.0

Authors: Guilherme Andrade (erlwitness(at)gandrade(dot)net).

erlwitness: Semantic process groups watchtower.

erlwitness allows one to funnel both gen_server events (init, calls, casts, infos, state changes) and lager calls specific to identified entities into arbitrary watcher processes.

For example: remote activity tracers for sizeable software development teams (instead of hey, may you please check the log?)

  • Multiple watchers can spy on the same entity;
  • A single watcher can spy on multiple entities;
  • An entity can consist of zero or more processes that come and go;
  • Watching works transparently on both local and remote nodes;
  • Watching can be initiated both before and after entity processes have been spawned.
  • Lager calls are (optionally) watchable through a parse_transform.

There are two main parts to an ordinary setup:

  1. Adapt your existing entities' gen_server:start / gen_server:start_link / init calls to make use of the relevant registration flow:
% ....
% ...
%% Uncomment to allow for lager tracing
%-compile([{parse_transform, erlwitness_transform}]).

start_link(Person, Files, LuckyNumber) ->
    {WrappedArgs, StartOptions} = erlwitness:get_start_extras({person, Person},
                                                              [Files, LuckyNumber]),
    gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, WrappedArgs, StartOptions).

init(WrappedArgs) ->
    [Files, LuckyNumber] = erlwitness:unwrap_init_args(WrappedArgs),
    InitResult = {ok, #state{files = Files,
                             lucky_number = LuckyNumber}},
    erlwitness:finalize_init(WrappedArgs, InitResult).
% ....
  1. Code your own watcher process which will implement both gen_server and erlwitness_watcher behaviours:
% ...
% ...

start_link(Person) ->
    erlwitness_watcher:start_link([{person, Person}], ?MODULE, []).

% ...

handle_gencall_event(Timestamp, {person, Person}, PersonPid, PersonProcType,
                     PersonProcName, Call, From, State) ->
    io:format("Here's a call: ~p~n", [{Timestamp, Person, PersonPid,
                                       PersonProcType, Call, From}]),
    {noreply, State}.

handle_gencast_event(Timestamp, {person, Person}, PersonPid, PersonProcType,
                     PersonProcName, Cast, State) ->
    io:format("Here's a cast: ~p~n", [{Timestamp, Person, PersonPid,
                                       PersonProcType, Cast}]),
    {noreply, State}.

handle_geninfo_event(Timestamp, {person, Person}, PersonPid, PersonProcType,
                     PersonProcName, Info, State) ->
    io:format("Here's an info: ~p~n", [{Timestamp, Person, PersonPid,
                                       PersonProcType, Info}]),
    {noreply, State}.

handle_newstate_event(Timestamp, {person, Person}, PersonPid, PersonProcType,
                      PersonProcName, PersonState, State) ->
    io:format("Here's a new state: ~p~n", [{Timestamp, Person, PersonPid,
                                            PersonProcType, PersonState}]),
    {noreply, State}.

handle_lager_event(Timestamp, {person, Person}, PersonPid, PersonProcType,
                   PersonProcName, LagerMFA, LagerDebugInfo, State) ->
    {_LagerModule, LagerLevel, LagerArgs} = LagerMFA,
    {CodeModule, CodeFunction, CodeLine} = LagerDebugInfo,
    io:format("Here's a lager message from ~p: ~p @ ~p~n",
             [{Timestamp, Person, PersonPid, PersonProcType, PersonState},
              {LagerLevel, LagerArgs}, {CodeModule, CodeFunction, CodeLine}]),
    {noreply, State}.

% ..

.. and optionally, 3) Reuse your existing entity registration code by implementing the erlwitness_lookup behaviour and adjusting erlwitness app.config acordingly.

% ...
% ...

lookup_global_entity({person, Person}) ->
   PeopleInfo = mnesia:dirty_read(person_info, Person),
   [{person_file_serv, PersonInfo#person_info.file_serv_pid} || PersonInfo <- Pids].
% ...

Full implementations under example/.


[{erlwitness, [
            % Optional; module implementing 'erlwitness_lookup' behaviour
            %{entity_lookup_module, erlwitness_index_serv},
            % Optional; defaults to 10 * NumberOfSchedulers
            %{erlwitness_index_serv_count, N :: pos_integer()}

Compiler flags:

{parse_transform, erlwitness_transform}

This software is built on the premise that watchers are few, rare, and mostly limited to development environments; therefore watching is heavy and privacy is light.

  • Unwatched processes: basic ETS lookup just before the process starts + a single process dictionary check for every lager call;
  • Watched processes: one OTP debug fun per watcher (see sys(3)) + lager calls redirection.

This software is a building block; tracking and monitoring entity processes on a watcher is left as an exercise for the reader.

erlwitness_index_serv is bundled as an out-of-the-box solution; it might not, however, suit your needs. Please mind that it will, for each spawned entity:

    1. Write a new entry to an ETS table (on erlwitness:finalize_init/2);
    1. Create a monitor from a specific worker on the indexing pool;
    1. Trigger the monitor on termination in order to unregister the entity.

In order to lax this potential bottleneck, the indexing pool will spawn (10 x NumberOfSchedulers) monitoring processes by default, with one separate ETS table per indexer, and NumberOfSchedulers generally (but not always) corresponding to the number of CPU thread queues (usually NumOfCPUs x NumOfCoresPerCPU x (1 + HyperthreadPerCore)).

However, if you already have your own global process directory in place, it's recommended that you use it instead.

  • Clean up the current lager events mess;
  • Offline watcher scheduling with later history retrieving.




Tracing processes by semantic group (Erlang)







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