For this workshop, you need the following knowledge:
- 101 level knowledge of C#
- 101 level Git knowledge (to manage with the repo and branches)
This workshop requires the following:
- Laptop with Windows (May work with Visual Studio for Mac, Postman for Mac etc but hasn't been tested)
- Visual Studio Community (or better) 2017 version 15.7.3 (
- .NET Core SDK 2.1.300 (
- Postman (
- Fork this repo & clone locally
For this workshop, no prior knowledge is required. However, the following are required to be installed:
- Docker (
- Chrome
- Postman (
Some resources mentioned or useful during the workshops:
- Random string generator (
- Which Tests Should We Automate - Angie Jones (
- Chrome Dev Tools Network Reference (
- Danny Dainton's excellent Postman resources (
- Testing Heuristics Cheat Sheet (
- Slides for the workshops are in the Resources folder of this repo
The application can also be used in Docker, for instance for the Workshop "Have Some Cake With Your Frosting"
- Install and setup Docker (
- If using Docker on Windows, set Docker to use Linux Containers - either during installation or by right-clicking on the Docker icon in the system tray and choosing Switch to Linux Containers (you can switch back after the workshop)
- Verify your installation (
- Run the following command from a command line anywhere on your computer
docker run -p 8080:80 --name myapp g33klady/todoapi:latest
This will get the latest docker image with this code running on your machine
To see what is running in Docker
Docker ps
To stop a Docker image
Docker stop myapp
To start a Docker image back up
Docker start myapp
Once Docker is running, application can be accessed: http://localhost:8080
You'll need to provide a header with key "CanAccess" and value "true" to use the API via Postman. When using the Swagger specification, select the Authorization button and enter the value "true".
To view some automated tests written in C#, review the branch "Exercise 5". To view the above automated tests using RestSharp, review the branch "RestSharp".