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Vue 3 color picker component whose goal is to replace <input type="color">


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Slick and perfomant Vue 3 color picker component whose goal is to replace <input type="color">

🚀  Live demo  🚀




Forget about color conversions: vue-color-input does it for you. Unlike <input type="color"> (which only understands hex) vue-color-input supports all commonly used color models, and by default will output color in the same format that was passed as input. It also has support for alpha channel, unless you specifically disable it.


HTML's native color input is annoying to style. Most likely you'll have to get tricky hiding the original input & binding click event to a presentable-looking div. But it only gets you halfway there cause the color picker popup window is still out of reach and it might look way different in different browsers.
With vue-color-input this poblem is solved. It looks pretty out of the box with the default styles, but it's also intuitive & straight-forward to customize from css.


Not only that native color input looks different in different browsers, it also operates differently, and in some cases it's just not what you expect it to be. Yes, I'm looking at you, Safari. vue-color-input delivers a color picker that looks and performs the same regardless of browser.

It just works

vue-color-input combines minimalist approach with comprehensive functionality. You can customize and extend it to your liking, set it up with additional properties, but you don't have to. It works as expected out of the box just as well, with only v-model provided.



npm i vue-color-input


import ColorInput from 'vue-color-input'


<ColorInput v-model="color" />

Table of contents

Props Styling Events Exposed
v-model Class names Event names Methods
format Customization Properties
position Transitions
disabled Box active transition
disable-alpha Example CSS
disable-text-inputs Styling guidelines



This is where you supply the variable holding the color to be adjusted by end user.
Model value is allowed to be changed externally too, vue-color-input will adjust accordingly.
When first initialized and every time v-model value updates from outside the component, incoming color format is stored to be matched by output.

Input (initial value)

Under the hood vue-color-input uses tinycolor2 for color conversion. So everything tinycolor accepts as input, is valid here as well (both string and object).

Output (return value)

By default output will be a string or an object in the same color model as the initial value.

For example:

// in parent component

const color = ref('rgb(50, 150, 150)')
<!-- in template -->

<ColorInput v-model="color" />

User adjusts hue to 0, now color becomes

"rgb(150, 50, 50)"

Then user adjusts alpha to 0.5, color becomes

"rgba(150, 50, 50, 0.5)"

Let's say color property was initialy set to be an object:

// in parent component

const color = ref({ "h": 350, "s": 1, "l": 0.8 })

In the same scenario the resulting output would be

{ "h": 0, "s": 1, "l": 0.8, "a": 0.5 }

vue-color-input will always try to output color in the same color model as the initial value (unless target format is specified explicitly by format property.
However in some cases that would not be possible. For those colors it will fall back to different formats.

name || hex -> rgba fallback

If initial color format was name (e.g. "purple") or hex (e.g. "#800080"), and then alpha is changed to be less than 1, output will be formatted as rgba:

"#cd5c5c" // hex input

/* user changes alpha to 0.9 */

"rgba(205, 92, 92, 0.9)" // rgba output

Note: this behavior does not apply if format property is explicitly set to be hex or name.
Note 2: if initial color format is hex8 (e.g. #800080ff), output will be hex8 also, unless specified differently by format property.

name -> hex fallback

If initial color format was name, but the resulting output color does not have a name equivalent, hex value will be output instead:

"indianred" // name input

/* user changes hue to 180 */

"#5ccdcc" // hex output

invalid -> rgb fallback

Invalid color initialy diasplays as black. Default output format will be set to rgb:

"ironmanred" // invalid string input

/* user changes alpha to 0.1 */

"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)" // rgb(a) output

format optional

Here you can supply the color format you want the output to be in.

The value consists of two arguments: format & type. The order of two is inconsequential, e.g. both "hsl object" & "object hsl" are valid values.

Format is the target color model that the return value is converted to. [ "rgb", "hsv", "hsl", "hex", "hex8", "name" ]

Type is data type of the return value. [ "string", "object" ]

If you want to use v-model value for styling, "string" type should do the job. On the other hand, if you want to continue processing the data, "object" is probably more useful.

Hsv & hsl color component values are presented differently in different output types:

"hsl(0, 53%, 58%)" // "hsl string"

{ "h": 0, "s": 0.531, "l": 0.582, "a": 1 } // "hsl object"

Notice how strings contain percent-based values, and object 0-1 floats.

Note that name & hex formats don't support alpha channel. Specifying either of them as target format will prevent vue-color-input from falling back to rgba. Instead, it will disable alpha slider and always return full opacity color.
If this is not the behavior that you want, and you'd rather it fall back to rgba to support alpha, you should not specify the format.



Allowed values

[ "rgb", "rgb object", "rgb string", 
  "hsv", "hsv object", "hsv string", 
  "hsl", "hsl object", "hsl string",
  "name", "name string",
  "hex", "hex string",
  "hex8", "hex8 string" ]

Note: "name object", "hex object" & "hex8 object", make no sense and therefore are illegal.
Note 2: format without type is allowed, type without format is not.

Default value

Calculated to match the input.


<ColorInput v-model="color" format="rgb object" />

position optional

This is where you specify the position of the popup color picker window relative to the clickable box.



Allowed values

[ "top", "top right", "top left", "top center",
  "right top", "right", "right bottom", "right center",
  "bottom right", "bottom", "bottom left", "bottom center",
  "left top", "left bottom", "left", "left center" ]

Pretty intuitive: the first value is the direction from the box in which the popup will appear, the second is how it will align.
Note: Omitting the second parameter results in center alignment, making "top" a shortcut for "top center"

Default value



<ColorInput v-model="color" position="right top" />

disabled optional

Setting this to true will make the initial box nonresponsive to user clicks. The popup will not appear.
However the box will still react to v-model changes, should they come from elsewhere.



Allowed values

[ true, false ]

Default value



<ColorInput v-model="color" :disabled="!allowColorAdjustment" />

disable-alpha optional

If you set this to true, alpha slider will be removed from the color picker, and the returned color will always have full opacity.

Specifying name or hex as the target format will make this property default to true and ignore any passed value.



Allowed values

[ true, false ]

Default value

true if target format is hex or name


<ColorInput v-model="color" disable-alpha />

disable-text-inputs optional

With this property you can hide the section of the color picker containing the text inputs.



Allowed values

[ true, false ]

Default value



<ColorInput v-model="color" disable-text-inputs />

transition optional

Set this to a custom transition name to override factory enter and leave-to transitions of the popup.

This is not the only way to customize color picker transition.
You can also override default transition classes from css. More details below.

More information about Vue enter/leave transitions here.



Default value



<ColorInput v-model="color" transition="my-cool-transition" />
.my-cool-transition-leave-to {
    transform: rotate(240) scale(.5);
    opacity: 0;
.my-cool-transition-leave-active {
    transition: transform .3s, opacity .3s;

class optional

With this you can provide a custom class that will get applied both to the root element and the popup elemnt. You can use this class later for styling.




<ColorInput v-model="color" class="custom" />


As previously mentioned, applying styles to vue-color-input is a breeze.

Default CSS is written with custumizability in mind, so anything you want to style will likely work as expected, and the whole component's layout will not get screwed up by that.

Starting with v2, vue-color-input now uses bem class-naming approach instead of nested selectors and scoped styles to simplify customization while providing a namespaced classname isolation across the DOM.

Class names

class description
.color-input__box [class] Root clickable box
.color-input__popup [class] Popup color picker window (teleported to body)
.color-input__saturation-area Picking area where you select saturation and brightness
.color-input__slider Hue and opacity sliders (track)
.color-input__saturation-pointer Pointer in the saturation-brightness area
.color-input__slider-pointer Pointer on a slider

Feel free to scout the HTML for more class names.

Customizing factory styles

You don't have to use !important rules for everything you want to customize. Instead, here are several approaches you can take to override factory styles.


The easiest way is to add a level of specificity to your selectors as in div.class, and that will outweight the factory styles which are defined simply as .class.


div.color-input__box {
  border-radius: 50%; 
div.color-input__popup {
  background: pink;

Custom class

You can also use a class prop to set a custom class name on both the root element and the popup, to later use it in your selectors.

Bear in mind though that the class is applied only to the root elemnent and the popup root element, not to all nested elements. So it will be .custom.color-input__box and .custom.color-input__popup but for all their nested elements it will be .custom .color-input__box-inner (note the space).


<ColorInput :color="color" class="custom" />
.custom.color-input__box {
  border-radius: 50%;
.custom.color-input__popup {
  background: pink;


Instead of using transition property with a custom transition name, you can simply override default transition styles.
This can be done in the same manner as with the other classes, e.g:

.color-input__popup--enter-from {
    transform: translateY(-100%) scale(.1);
.color-input__popup--leave-to {
    transform: scale(3);
/* and if you want to change the durations as well */
.color-input__popup--leave-active {
    transition: all .5s;

More information about Vue enter/leave transitions here.

Box active transition

When clicked on, the box gets what looks like an outline, but in reality its content is scaled down and background is revealed.

Here's what the box element html looks like:

<!-- This has a background -->
<div class="color-input__box  [--active] [--disabled]">
    <!-- This scales down to reveal it -->
    <div class="color-input__box-inner [--active]">
        <div class="color-input__box-color" />

To customize this transition, you can use .color-input__box--active in combination with .color-input__box-inner--active.
For example:

div.color-input__box--active {
    /* "outline" color */
    background: #0f0f0f;
div.color-input__box-inner--active {
    /* different transition effect */
    transform: scale(.9) rotate(90deg);

Popup offset

The popup gets a default offset from the box which is equal to 10px. If you would like to use a different offset, you should set it with a --popup-offset css property defined on the popup.


div.color-input__popup {
  --popup-offset: 20px;

Example CSS

div.color-input__box {
    /* make clickable box a 100x100 circle */
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    border-radius: 50px;
div.color-input__popup {
    /* dark mode for popup window */
    background: #000;
    color: #fbfbfb;
    /* and make it wide */
    width: 400px;
div.color-input__slider {
    /* thin out the sliders and make them wider */
    height: 2px;
    width: 92%;
div.color-input__saturation-area {
    /* bigger picking area */
    height: 150px;
div.color-input__slider-pointer {
    /* make slider pointers square-ish and 10x10 */
    border-radius: 4px;
    width: 10px;
    height: 10px;
div.color-input__saturation-pointer {
    /* increase saturation pointer size */
    width: 40px;
    height: 40px;

Styling guidelines

Use stylesheets, no need to set inline styles

Inline styles will only let you style the root element, when typically you will want to style more than that.

Use specificity or custom class to override default styles

Read more about the both approaches here.

Don't expect the popup to be nested within the root

As the popup is teleported to the body, the following nested css selectors won't work:

<ColorInput class="my-custom-class" />
/* ❌ example of selector that won't work */
.my-custom-class .color-input__popup {}

Instead, think of box and popup as two separate roots that both get your custom class. And then both of those have some children that you can access with nested selectors:

.my-custom-class.color-input__popup {}
.my-custom-class.color-input__box {}
.my-custom-class .color-input__slider {}
.my-custom-class .color-input__box-inner {}

And likewise...

Don't expect your custom class to point only to the box

As described above, both the box and the popup will get your custom class, so don't try to use your custom class without the specifying selector, that will apply the styles to both the box and the popup:

/* ❌ example of what not to do */
.my-custom-class {
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;

Instead, use a specifying classname:

.my-custom-class.color-input__box {}
.my-custom-class.color-input__popup {}

Use preprocesser nesting to reduce typing

If you use a style preprocessor (like sass), you can use it's nesting to reduce the amount of typing and produce a cleaner and more readable code:

div.color-input {
    &__box {
        &--disabled {}
        &--active {}
    &__popup {}
    &__slider {}

Don't use scoped styles

With scoped styles you won't be able to reach component's inner elements, so you should use global styles.

If, for some reason, you need to use several vue-color-input instances that should be styled differently, you can set different class names on them to provide instance-based scope.


The instance provides hooks for custom event handling.

Most events carry payload with current state of the corresponding color component.

Note that event data is always passed in hsv format.

Event names

Generally you don't need to rely on events to retrieve color data from this component. Instead, you should use v-model two-way binding.

But if you want to setup some additional hooks, the component emits following events:

event description payload
pickStart color picking process is initiated, popup is opening
pickEnd color picking process is finished, popup will close now
mounted lifecycle hook, emitted from root component's mounted()
beforeUnmount lifecycle hook, emitted from root component's beforeUnmount()
saturationInputStart saturation-brightness adjustment has begun. This is only emitted when pointerdown inside saturation-brightness area is registered. This will not emit when text inputs are edited current state of saturation & value (hsv) { s: 0.5, v: 0.5 }
saturationInputEnd saturation-brightness adjustment has ended. This is only emitted when pointerup of the saturation-brightness area is registered. This will not emit when text inputs are edited current state of saturation & value (hsv) { s: 0.5, v: 0.5 }
saturationInput saturation-brightness is being adjusted. This will emit every time saturation-brightness is changed, including text inputs current state of saturation & value (hsv) { s: 0.5, v: 0.5 }
hueInputStart hue adjustment has begun. This is only emitted when pointerdown over the hue slider is registered. This will not emit when hue is changed from text inputs current state of hue { h: 180 }
hueInputEnd hue adjustment has ended. This is only emitted when pointerup of the hue slider is registered. This will not emit when hue is changed from text inputs current state of hue { h: 180 }
hueInput hue is being adjusted. This will emit every time hue is changed, including text inputs current state of hue { h: 180 }
alphaInputStart alpha adjustment has begun. This is only emitted when pointerdown over the alpha slider is registered. This will not emit when alpha is changed from text inputs current state of alpha { a: 0.5 }
alphaInputEnd alpha adjustment has ended. This is only emitted when pointerup of the alpha slider is registered. This will not emit when alpha is changed from text inputs current state of alpha { a: 0.5 }
alphaInput alpha is being adjusted. This will emit every time alpha is changed, including text inputs current state of alpha { a: 0.5 }
change the color has changed by user interaction. This will emit every time any parameter is changed. This will emit when color is changed from text inputs as well, on blur current state of all color components { h: 180, s: 0.5, v: 0.5, a: 0.5 }



Exposed methods and properties

You shouldn't need to manually access instance methods and properties, but if you feel like it, you can.
This can be done by specifying a ref property on the instance.

The following section implies you have a vue-color-input instance with a ref variable named colorInput in a script setup context:

<ColorInput v-model="color" ref="colorInput" />
const colorInput = ref()

Exposed methods

colorInput.value.pickStart() // begin color selection (show popup)
colorInput.value.pickEnd() // end color selection (hide popup)

Exposed properties

colorInput.value.color // tinycolor instance // boolean - is the picker currently active
