Soapbox is a Rails 3 CMS by Killit Creative. It manages pages, users, permissions, redirects, galleries, attachments, menus, and more out of the box. It’s easy to extend to manage all kinds of other content and attach files and images to them and manage permissions over them.
Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet
Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it
Fork the project
Start a feature/bugfix branch
Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright © 2011 Gabe Coyne. See LICENSE.txt for further details.
Add soapbox to your Gemfile
gem ‘soapbox’ Run ‘bundle install’
Generate soapbox tables
rails g soapbox_migration rake db:migrate Create a super user to admin the site
rails c
User.create(:email => "your@email.address", :password => "xxxxxx", :super_admin => true)
Fire it up
rails s You have everything you need out of the gate for a super basic site
Then start customizing
Start adding page templates by creating new layout files in app/views/pages/templates
Start adding pages by login into /admin
Add your google analytics credentials to /admin/analytics
rails g soapbox_scaffold plugin_name field:type field:type
shared admin list view - paging, search, add, edit, delete
plugin generator
admin tab navigation
admin authentication using devise
plugin ordering/nesting
shared list management
shared tree management
S3 paperclip file manager - integrated with wizywig
tinymce wizywig editor
admin and form css styling
dynamic sitemap.xml - for pages
users, groups, permissions, custom permissions, user.can?(do, plugin)
admin search
paper_trail - version control and user history
permissions.yml - user.can? and group.can? - checkbox ui in admin - Global overrides - Plugin & Model level perms
analytics plugin - google analytics API integration - show top pages, traffic sources, and search terms
polypaperclip - attach anything to anything and browse/search it all in one library
menus - drag pages and other menuable models into different menues
front end edit buttons
keyed contents (snippets)
tags - acts_as_taggable_on
image galleries - bulk upload, ordering, captions - nivo viewer and prettyPhoto viewer
soapbox_stlyesheets_tag helper
soapbox_javascripts_tag helper
ruby 1.9.2 - rails 3.0.9
rake soapbox_override app/views/admin/pages/form.html.erb - pull file out into app to customize
shortcodes - [partial:locals,args] - render “shortcodes/partial”, :params => args.split(“,”)
add default permission stuff for shared list and admin_controller - create, edit, delete, admin, etc
analytics - PageRankr -
gitsatisfaction for community support
caching - memcache
default error docs
sending email
permissions - bulk selection - jQuery
multi file uploader with progress for files plugin -
tn cropper - view helper: cropper(filename, width, height) - flash tool - image processing on backend
Interesting rails_tiny_mce
rails engines - enginex -
plugin as gem: