Library for managing web-socket centric applications
More features and documentation to come soon! You can find a demonstration of the library over at the FunWithSocks Repo!
Socks is a small collection of helper modules indented to make it easier to route and manage interactions between cowboy web-socket connections and GenServer processes. Socks provides consistent abstractions which, for one, implicitly maintains or merges state of a process, be it socket delegate or GenServer actor.
Socks makes it easier to organize commands available to connected clients on a contextual level. Socket processes are assigned roles in-state that define, for a given role, what the process does, by what the underlying client may ask for. This allows you to build protocols, with inheritance chaining, and assign them to application clients on-demand.
Get it with mix from Github:
def deps do
{:socks, github: "gabeklein/Socks"}
Then run mix deps.get
Contact me; new at this. My contact info is listed on my profile.
file for more details.