This is a Ruby implementation of a PID Controller. A PID controller is a feedback system that is configured with a target setpoint, can read measurements of the system to see how close we are to the setpoint, and will omit an output. Every day examples include:
- Cruise control
- Thermostats
- Quadcopters (appearently, because they predominate search results)
- Database load (yay! This is why the purpose I'm actually writing this for).
I mentioned databases, so here's an example of how we can prevent a low priority task (e.g. bulk deletion) from contending with customer traffic:
sensor = # Use your imagination
controller =
setpoint: 60.0,
kp: 5.0,
ki: 1.0,
kd: 0.1,
output_max: 0.0,
integral_max: 0.0
Event.where(account_id: account_id).in_batches do |relation|
backoff = -1 * controller << sensor.cpu_utilization
sleep backoff if backoff > 0
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
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