In this repository you will find the necessary tools for:
- earthquakes epicenter visualization as 3D scatterplots on latitude, longitude and depth dimensions;
- the scatterplot points sizes and color vary according to the magnitude of the earthquakes;
- possibility to add a 2D map as a projection on the 3D plot, under the scatterplot.
- using graphs, seismic networks are created;
control the size of network by modifying cube sizes - bigger size, more earthquakes fit in a cube
- centrality measures such as connectivity (weighted/unweighted).
- fundamental building blocks of graphs;
- motif detection using a slightly modified version of NemoMapPy -;
- motif visualization using Paraview.
- motif connectivity analysis;
- motif areas and volumes distributions, weighted by total energy and mean energy released in motif;
California Motifs Distribution - Triangles areas weighted by total energy released in motif (power law)
- spatial autocorrelations;
- temporal autocorrelations.
- waiting times;
- energy release distribution.