a simple Go client to update dynamic DNS synthetic records for Google Domains.
In order to build zorua
you can just:
$ cd cmd/zorua
$ go build
This will produce an executable file called zorua
which you can run directly.
Usage of ./zorua:
-config string
path to the JSON configuration file (default "/etc/zorua/config.json")
The configuration file is a simple JSON-serialized file which should look like this:
The Username and Password entries are the ones generated by Google Domains when you create your synthetic record for dynamic DNS.
"Domain": "test.example.com",
"Credentials": {
"Username": "TestUsername",
"Password": "TestPassword"
In order to ease the installation of zorua
in cloud native environments, you
can use the provided Docker image.
This tiny image is built nightly to pull in updates to the golang
image and is a multi-architecture image working for the following
- x86
- x86_64
- armv6
- armv7
- armv8 (aarch64)
$ docker run -v /path/to/zorua-config.json:/etc/zorua/config.json:ro zuh0/zorua
A helm chart for zorua
is available in this
To install the helm chart you can simply create your own values file
which could look like this:
# The cronExpression field is optional and will default to this:
cronExpression: "*/5 * * * *"
domain: example.com
username: MyUsername
password: MyPassword
Then install it like this from the root of the sadm
$ helm install zorua zorua -f my-values.yaml
This will setup zorua
as a Kubernetes cron job checking for an IP update
every 5 minutes (you can change this interval by setting the cronExpression
field in your values file).